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Starting Nursery and Autumn

Week ending 22nd October 2021

Nursery Harvest Song

Harvest Time


Understanding the World - making jam sandwiches

This week the children had their first P.E. lesson with Mr Shingler.  They did really well moving around the hall  being different animals.  I was really impressed at how well they listened and followed instructions. They had great fun!!


Still image for this video

Fancy Dress Day - Thank you for your £1 donations

Week ending 15th October 2021

This week we  made jam sandwiches with the children.  Over the next couple of weeks everyone will have their turn.

The children enjoyed spreading margarine and jam to make their own sandwich and they all joined in to clear and wipe the table.

We discussed harvest time - harvesting wheat to make bread and picking fruit to make jam.  We counted slices of bread, jam sandwiches and talked about cutting the sandwiches into halves and quarters.  


Understanding the World

We are now sharing the Floppy's phonics book 'At the Market' which is being linked in with our planned activities including role play in our fruit and vegetable shop, making sandwiches and printing with fruit and vegetables.  The focus in the book evolves around the environmental sounds that can be heard at a market.

A few more pics to share 

Week ending 8th October 2021


This week we explored a range of autumn finds and natural materials to create moveable art work.  We then took pictures of the children's art work to go on the wall.  We looked at transient art work by Andy Goldsworthy and talked about famous artists. 

Some of our completed transient art designs

Floppy's Phonics

This week we continued to share and explore the book 'At The Concert' making instrument  voice sounds, listening to and identifying instruments and the sound they make,  making our own instruments and listening to the sounds they made.  The children took part in mini concerts and really enjoyed looking at the book finding the main characters and predicting page by page what might happen next.

Floppy's Phonics Activity

A few more pic to share

Week ending 1st October 2021

We have moved on to our next topic 'Autumn'.

The children have loved playing in our new 'Fruit and Veg shop.

They have been learning mathematical skills sorting and counting fruit and vegetables.  Learning number recognition sorting and counting out money using the till.

They have been developing literacy skills using emergent writing to make shopping lists.

Along with being a fun activity role play is an important part of child development, as it builds confidence creativity communication, physical development and problem solving.

Our school uses Education City which is an online learning resource.  

Education City can be accessed in school and also from home.

I will be sending home individual log ins for each child so that you can explore the full range of interactive activities with your child.

We have an autumn nature table. We will be grateful for any autumn finds sent into school to add to our collection.

Week ending 24th September 2021

This week we have focused on our art and craft area and have directed all the the children to paint a picture. 

We have taken pictures of their paintings to go into their individual learning story.

The children can choose to paint or make a collage at any time.  Some children often choose to work in this area and you may end up with lots of pictures brought home.  Others will avoid crafts, painting and drawing and mark making activities although they do love to have work to take home.

For this reason we ensure that we direct the children to draw, paint or be creative on occasions. 

We have made a great start on our school's new reading programme 'Floppy's Phonics'.

In the nursery we will be covering a wide variety of different areas of learning such as:

  • environmental sound
  • voice sounds
  • body percussion
  • instrumental sounds
  • rhythm
  • rhymes
  • alliteration
  • oral blending
  • segmenting

We will be accessing online Floppy Phonics resources and sharing Floppy Phonics books.  The first level (lilac) are picture books without words - they will be used to encourage discussion and lots of language development.

We have had fun with the first book 'At The Concert' playing instruments, singing nursery rhymes and pretending to be singers and musicians on  stage at the theatre.

Week ending 17th September 2021

This week our part time children have joined the nursery. 

Despite a few tears at the start of the day once inside the children are settling well.  

I have uploaded pictures of the children as they play happily with one another.  I hope by seeing these pictures you will feel reassured that they really do enjoy coming to the nursery. 

We are building an individual learning story for each child which consists of observations and photographs as they play and interact with one another in the seven areas of learning as outlined in the foundation stage curriculum.

Week ending 10th September 2021

The full time children have adjusted well to attending for a full day and are quickly getting used to the dinner time routine with Miss Myles. 

Mrs Peters has now joined the nursery team and the children are enjoying getting to know her.  

The children are continuing to settle well and are making new friends.

Lunch Time and a few more pics of the children as they settle into nursery life

Week ending 3rd September

Welcome everyone to our Nursery.

Our first topic centres around helping the children settle in, forming friendships with one another, getting to know the teachers and becoming familiar with our nursery routines.

Despite a few children becoming upset at the gate; once inside the nursery they are all settling very well. 

Here are a few pictures to share with you.
