Hello Reception 2 Families!
This picture is a clue to where I am typing this right now! Yes! I am in Wales! I am having a little holiday with my family in a caravan by the sea! I hope that you too are all having a lovely Bank Holiday so far.
We have had another happy, busy fun filled week in school. We have been learning about trains, why and where people journey to on trains, how they work and what different trains look like. We all donned our imagination caps and imagined where we would go if we went on a magical train ride. The children had and wrote about some super ideas!
In maths we have explored Weight and have used non-standard units to measure, estimate and compare the weight of objects.
In phonics we have been using strategies to read and write long (polysyllabic) words.
Our broad bean plants are now very tall and have outgrown their little glass cups! They have been transferred to big grow bags with bamboo tripods to support them and help them to grow, flower and eventually give us some beans! This has been a lovely, enriching experience for the children and they have been super giddy watching their plants grow from seed.
Finley K is this week's medal winner. We chose him because he has becoming such a determined little learner of late!
Next week is parent's evening and everyone has now been sent a time for either a telephone or Zoom appointment time. I'm looking forward to sharing the amazing progress that all of the children have made.
Just a heads up-it is cold/packed lunches next week.
Here's a peek at our lovely week