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Tuesday 12th January

Tuesday 12th January

Hello 1C! It has been great to see your work emailed in from the first few days of home learning. You are doing a smashing job! 

Here's your work for today.

Phonics - oe toe and ou shoulder


Well done for matching the rhyming words yesterday! Today I'd like you to put your rhyming knowledge to the test and fill in the poem below, thinking of an animal that rhymes with each teacher's names. Please send an email to me with a photograph or scanned copy of your work (if you can) and I might get chance to read some out tomorrow!


Here is a lesson from the Oak Academy about positional language - right, left, forwards, backwards, above, below etc. 

You can also have a go at this worksheet - read carefully WHERE the drawings should be. I have also made a help sheet in case you get stuck thinking how to draw some of the animals - the koala might be a bit tricky! 

If you don't want to use a printer don't forget you can draw the worksheet out yourself. laugh

If you would like to also dance to the Cha Cha Slide for your work today, here is the video! See if you can remember your left and right, and if you get a grown up or brother or sister involved then you get bonus points for this!

Cha Cha Slide Dance

Now.. onto our new topic for this half term! It is called..


We are going to start with a question. Can humans fly? Have a chat about this at home..


We cannot fly on our own because we don't have wings but we CAN invent machines to help us to fly! Can you think of any? Can you make a list of machines or inventions that fly - I know you'll be really good at this as you have fantastic ideas 1C!

Next, open and watch this powerpoint - if you play it as a slideshow you will hear my voice!

If you would like to have a calm few minutes having a go at some yoga, here I am below..

Yoga cards 1 Jan 2021

See you tomorrow,

Mrs O'Connell xx
