Good Morning Reception 2 Families
Wishing everyone well on this, our first day of home learning
Home Learning is intended to keep the children's brains and bodies busy and as an aide to ensuring that disruption to their learning is kept to a minimum. Home Learning is new to most of you but I will support you in every way that I possibly can and hopefully keep things manageable, accessible and most importantly interesting, fun and engaging for the children.
It is important that you know that you do not have to do everything on here. I fully understand that every home circumstance and every child is different. Please take the home learning at your own and your child's pace-it's a moveable feast! If there is anything that I can help you with regarding your child's home learning then please contact me by email If your child has done some home learning that they feel proud of then please photograph it and email me with it at the same address and I will respond.
I will provide learning in 2 day 'chunks' each 'chunk' will consist of:
Thursday and Friday's Phonics
Practise all of the phonemes that we have learnt so far up to 'v'. Please follow the link to to Jolly Phonics video:
After 'v' , play the 'w' song and join in with the action, pronouncing the 'w' phoneme nice and clearly.
Ask your child to think of as many words as you can that begin with 'w'
Reading Practise: Write these words down for your child to see and ask them to say each sound using 'robot talk' (they know what this means!) and then blend the sounds to read the word
wig wag win wet web wick
Writing Practise: Now hide the words and say each of them nice and clearly. Ask your child to listen really carefully for the sound they can hear at the start, the middle and at the end and in turn write the sounds that they can hear.
Phonics Games: follow the link and join in with the interactive activities
Thursday and Friday's Maths Activities
This week we have been learning about pattern, which is an important aspect of their maths learning.
Pattern Challenge: Ask your child to go around the house and find and draw 5 things with their pattern on them i.e. a jumper, carpet, curtains, a tea pot! Let them decide!
Now share these information Powerpoints with the children. Follow the link:
Other things to practise if you like!
Every day we practise counting to 20 (and beyond sometimes but securing counting to 20 is a priority, children often omit the odd teen number so look out for that!) Also, practise counting back from 20-0
Practise saying a number 0-10 and your child has a go at writing it from memory. If they cant remember it to write it independently then give them a 0-10 number line and they need to find it and write it
Thursday and Friday's Literacy/Writing Activities
Please practise name writing as much as possible. If your child can write their name then practise their middle and surnames too! If your child is still learning to write their name write it in yellow for them to trace and give them their name to copy underneath. Earlier in the year I sent home a name writing practise sheet that was individual to your child. This would be ideal to photocopy and reuse but if you have no printer just make one.
Before we embark upon formally introducing letter formation we do lots of exercising of the wrists, hands, fingers. We do something called Dough Disco! The children have a piece of plasticine or play dough and follow exercises to groovy music! Here are a couple of Youtube links to try out. It's good fun!
Some of the children really gravitate to the writing area and are very keen to experiment with and practise using their budding phonics skills to write words.
Here are some work sheets that your child can freely do this with. Provide them with the attached Phoneme Help Mat when they do so to help them along with recalling the letters that they want to write.
Thursday and Friday's Topic Activities
This week we have been learning about Bonfire Night. We have talked about what we do on Bonfire Night and we have discussed the importance of keeping safe. Here are some Powerpoints for you to share to discuss these things further.
Try out these simple Bonfire Night themed crafts at home:
Thursday and Friday's Busy Bodies Activities
I know that Halloween is over but this is such good fun and I couldn't resist sharing!
If you aren't familiar with the GoNoodle resource or you haven't yet subscribed then you must! It is free and easy to sign up to, It has a wealth of guided dances and mindfulness movement activities for all ages, which are accessible (some more than others) and interactive. Have a look!
Thursday and Friday's 'Just For Fun' Activities
Just as it says. These activities are just for fun!
Check out this 30 Day Lego Challenge Sheet!
Everyone loves a Scavenger Hunt! Here are a few for you to try at home - Just for Fun!
I dare say that this lot should keep you all busy for a couple of days! Please check in with this page on Monday when I will provide next Monday and Tuesday's home learning. Please don't forget to email my by tomorrow Friday 6th November with your preferred dates and times for Parent's Evening. The letter is at the start of the class pages for those that were absent yesterday and didn't therefore receive their paper copy. I hope that you all keep well and have a good weekend-all considered.
All my very best
Mrs Cook x