Good morning everybody,
I hope you enjoyed doing the different activities on wellbeing Wednesday yesterday. Thank you to all those who manged to come on our zoom call in the afternoon, it was lovely to see you.
Now let's get started and see what we are going to learn today.
This will be our last lesson using the book, Journey. Please begin by watching the video below.
Did you notice it has different music to the last time we watched the video? If you can’t remember the original video watch it on the link below.
Now compare the stories with music. Which do you prefer? Does it change the way you think about the story? (in the first video it uses exciting, happy music and in the second it has more magical sounding music). Tell someone what you think.
Last week we did an alternative ending for our Up and Down story. Today you are going to write your own story inspired by the Journey book.
Today’s activity is to imagine you had a coloured crayon that could be used to draw a magic door like the girl from the story. What would your door look like? Where would it take you? (you could even use some of your ideas from last week). Draw a picture of your door and then a picture of the place you would end up in when you went through it. Is it a magical, strange or mysterious place? You may have images from other books in your mind that you want to use or just pictures from your imagination! Write what your land is like beyond the door and what adventure you might have. Please can you email me your pictures and stories today😊
Let's start our lesson with our warm-up to recognise our sounds and tricky words. Please check out the link below as I've re-organised the page and added extra links.
Word of the day
Today's word of the day is...
Today let's start with a brain and body warm-up!
Do you remember that on Tuesday we learnt how to partition and representing numbers to 50 using objects? Today we are going to carry on working with numbers to 50 using tens and ones equipment (dienes).
Topic - Ready, Steady, Go!
Do you remember a few weeks ago we looked at different types of weather and I asked you to make a rain gauge? If you did, have you been measuring the rainfall? We have had lots of rain to measure recently!
Today we are going to look at another kind of weather - the wind. You are going to find out about levels of wind and then see how you can record windy weather.
Keeping Active
Today Mr Shingler has set you a challenge to do at home.
Well that's another busy day over with. I can see from all the work sent in, you are all doing a terrific job learning remotely and please say thank you to your adults for helping. See you tomorrow,
Miss Green