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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Wednesday 24th February

Good morning everybody! I hope you have had a good sleep and are ready to watch the next part of the Rainy Day video.



Watch Rainy Day part 2

Rainy Day | Treeschool | PART 2 | Educational Kids Videos

Listen to your favorite TreeSchool and Signing Time songs on Spotify!'s a Rainy Day Part 2 at our Tr...

Now I would like you to be a scientist and carry out an experiment with your grown-up.

You are going to find out how do clouds make rain? Follow the instructions below. Grown-ups, there is a prompt sheet to help you with asking your child questions to gauge their understanding. There is also an example attached of how to record your findings.


Complete your weather diary for Wednesday. Remember to use finger spaces and correct letter formation. Grown-ups, if your child needs support with writing, please write the words for them to write over.


Recap sounds from phase 2 and 3 by playing the speed trials game. You can choose which sounds to use.

PhonicsPlay login – username: jan21, password: home


Today we are looking at air again. We are going to practise using our phonics in writing. Show your child the air sound. Ask them to write it down and then write the following words, hair and pair. Remind them to sound out (segment) the sounds that they can hear and then write them down. I would then like you to read the caption to your child and ask them to write it down.

Up in the air.

A pair of socks.

Don’t forget to use fingers spaces and form your letters correctly.



To warm up your child’s brain before we start today’s lesson, I would like you to ask your child what is one less than a given number. Do this for about 5/6 different numbers. Choose numbers that your child is familiar with.

We are going to revisit pattern today.

Watch the lesson and join in with the activities.

Once you have watched the video, maybe you could chat to your grown-up and talk about where you might have seen a pattern.

Wellbeing Wednesday afternoon

Follow the link below for some more activities for you to choose from.

I wanted to say well done for your hard work today. I hope you enjoyed being a scientist.


We have got another sticker to add to the Readerpillar. You have now read 250 books!

Enjoy the rest of your day with your family and I will look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Mrs Spooner x

