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Welcome back to Victoria Park Infant School

Summer 1

Friday 24th May

Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help on our school trip, we now have enough helpers. 

We have been practising split digraphs (you may remember this as 'magic e').

There are games on Education City that you might like to play over the next couple of weeks to consolidate our learning. Once you have logged in, if you search for split digraphs and filter the results for activities you will find them there. If you have forgotten your password please send me a message. 


We hope you all enjoy a well earned break, fingers crossed for some sunshine! We will see you back at 9am on Monday 10th June. 

Mrs O'Connell x

Week ending 17th May

Thank you to those who have volunteered to help on our school trip, we now have enough helpers. 


This week I have kept the spelling books. I shall assess the children's learning and distribute them again the first week back after the break. For now enjoy reading and maths based homework. laugh


Next week: It is non uniform day next Friday, please see the flyer below. 

Have a good weekend, 

Mrs O'Connell x

Thursday 9th May

What a lovely sunny few days we have had. We hope everyone enjoyed the bank holiday weekend and the children have been back working hard at school. We have been busy creating space pictures, designing our own aliens, and completing DT projects.

We have introduced the story Man on the Moon..  A Day in the Life of Bob. We have discussed the fictional elements of this book and written about Bob's life, remembering our finger spaces, correct letter formation, and using different types of punctuation.


In Maths we have continued with our multiplication and division work counting in 2’s, 5’ and 10’s. In the past two weeks we have focused on grouping and sharing objects as well as learning about arrays. The children have really worked hard to grasp these concepts and in the maths folder you will find some games to support this work if your child would like to continue to practise at home.


Thank you for your support with the maths homework, reading books, spellings, and the recent parent feedback sheets.

As the weather is getting warmer, please make sure all jumpers and cardigans are named, there are a few in the classroom with no names in, please let us know if you have lost any. 

There has been an email sent out about our Year One trip in June, if you would like to come with us as a helper please let me know as soon as possible. Class photographs will be on Tuesday next week (14th) Please send your child in their uniform on that day.

See you next week, 

Mrs O'Connell x

Wednesday 24th April

We have begun work around the book Beegu this week, including some drama in groups today. We thought carefully about Beegu's feelings and what she might be trying to communicate in the story.                     

The children have been practising counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s getting ready for multiplication work. The homework this week is based around this. 

We have been engineers this week and made astronaut characters using split pins for our DT. The children really enjoyed this and have taken them home today. 

We have also made the most of the sunshine and enjoyed a few 'no coats!' playtimes! laugh

Don't forget to visit our maths/ phonics games folders on the previous page if you would like extra activities to support your child's learning at home.

Love, Mrs O'Connell x

Tuesday 23rd April   Summer term Homework update

Thank you for all your hard work and support with reading, spellings and the Floppy’s Phonics homework sheets. 


Reading - As in the previous term, each Tuesday your child will bring home their new reading books. The phonic reading books give the children an opportunity to practise their reading skills. The 'shared' reading books are to be read together with an adult.

Please regularly hear your child read at home and help them to practise their reading skills - we ask that families aim for 10 minutes at least 3 times per week (every day if possible). This support at home is vital to help build your child's skills, confidence, fluency and enjoyment.


Homework - The homework sheets are changing slightly as we have progressed through levels 1,2,3 and 4 of our phonics scheme. Your child will now bring home maths sheet or phonics/topic homework to be completed in pencil and kept in their folder. We hope you enjoy completing those.


Spellings - will continue to be tested on Tuesdays. The children have been working very hard, well done! You may notice that once your child has learnt all the spellings for the ‘helpful words’ (part of the Floppy’s phonics scheme) they will now have groups of spellings containing the same sound. The children are all at different stages with their spellings so please don’t worry if your child’s spellings are not the same as someone else’s! I shall collect in the spelling books in the last week of the half term.


Please don’t hesitate to speak to myself or Miss Ryde if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs O’Connell

Thursday 18th April

We had an exciting afternoon today when the Year 5 children visited us from Victoria Park Juniors. They had created their own pop-up stories and read them to our fascinated class!

Thursday 18th April

Everyone enjoyed starting the week off with a Skip2BFit workshop! 

We have learnt facts about space and our solar system this week. The children worked together in groups to create fact files. 

The Planets Song

We have also worked hard to consolidate our numbers to 100 knowledge. We have enjoyed using 'paint the squares' to find greater than/ less than a number, and we have counted using 10s and 1s. I have linked the shark numbers game below for if you want to play it at home. There are more games in our maths folder on the 1C page too. 

Well done to everybody for practising reading, phonics homework and spellings at home. We know it can be hard to fit in to busy lives but this practise really makes a difference. Please speak to us if you need any support. 

Mrs O'Connell x

Friday 12th April

Wow! What a busy, sporty first week back!

We have enjoyed taking part in activities for Science Week this week and learnt about air. Photographs to follow next week. 

We hope all our families who celebrate had a fantastic time for Eid. Well done to 1C's Haniya for winning the greeting card competition for our MP!

Thank you for your support for our Multiskills trip to Stretford Leisure Centre this week. The children were BRILLIANT; everybody joined in, worked as a team, encouraged each other, and most of all really enjoyed themselves. I managed to take some action shots!

We also had an exciting morning today, when James from ScootFit came with scooters for everyone! We all had an amazing time zooming around the playground, practising our balancing skills. See our photo's below.

Please see the newsletter at the top of this page for for more information about the curriculum this half term. 

Have a great weekend and see you next week, 

Miss Ryde and Mrs O'Connell x

Sunday 7th April

Mrs Gill has emailed everybody a letter about a sports outing next week. You do not need to print out the letter, please complete and sign the form and send it to Mrs Gill or to me and I will print the forms out at school. I will have paper copies tomorrow for anyone who hasn't replied to the email.

Many thanks,

Mrs O'Connell x

Wednesday 3rd April

Hello everybody!

Just a couple of updates before we start the next term. 

PE days will now be on MONDAY and TUESDAY. Please send your child dressed for PE on those days. Please do not panic if you haven't seen this message in time, they will still be able to join in for the first week. 


I have a lot of jumpers and cardigans here in the classroom - 

if you recognise any of the items pictured below (the names have all rubbed off) please let me know and I will send them home in bags on Monday. If they aren't claimed by Wednesday 10th they will be donated. 

Picture 1 - Age 3-4 years

Picture 2 - Age 4-5 years

Picture 3 - Age 5-6 years

Picture 4 - Age 6-7 years

I hope you are all having a lovely break, we are excited to start our new topic of SPACE next week!

Mrs O'Connell x
