Hello Parents/ Carers It's the start of a brand new half term and we will be completing the work on our previous topic called "Deserts hot and cold." Our next topic is M32 so we will be taking a look at our local area and the history and geography associated with it. I hope you are all well and have had a great rest this holiday. Please can you all send me an email to let me know how your child is getting on? We are here to help in every way.
Enjoy the new activities do as much as you can every day and Parents there should be the opportunities for the children every day to listen to a story or to join in with the music programme or the PE sessions independently.
If your child would like to extend any topic and for example make a model or create art work please follow your child's lead. We love the creativity that our children show.
We hope you are all well and hope to see you all soon.
Mrs Gill