Hello Reception 1 families!
As always we have had a busy week in class. In maths we have been identifying squares and rectangles, finding everyday objects that are the same shapes and making patterns with the shapes.
In phonics this week we have been learning to recognise and write the letter f as in fish and ff as in cuff. The children are becoming more confident with identifying the sounds in words and blending the sounds together to read the words. We continue to practise the correct letter formation of the letters in our names. If you could help your child with this at home, that would be fantastic.
This week's PE session was working on jumps, balancing on the bench and beam and rolls on the mat. The children worked well in teams this week.
We have been practising our Christmas songs that the children would like to perform for you in the afternoon of Monday 13th December. Put the date in your diary, don't forget. The classroom is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The children have enjoyed making paper chains, stockings and baubles to hang around the classroom.
On Friday the children enjoyed listening to a fab Christmas story called The Dinosaur That Pooped Christmas. There was lots of laughter and giggles to be heard.
On Wednesday the children received a very special letter. Please see the pictures below and ask your child to tell you about the fairy.
A reminder that it is Christmas jumper day on Friday.
If the children would like to bring Christmas cards to give to each other, please send them in by Friday 10th December. They will be given out during the last week.
Bobby is our medal winner this week. He was chosen for the medal for all his hard work at home and at school practising his sounds and blending. He is now so much more confident!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Enjoy looking at the slideshow of pictures.
Take care
Mrs Spooner x