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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 7

Hi Reception 2 Families!


Gosh! We are in week 8 of our first half term at school! Well done everyone for keeping happy, healthy and safe. laugh

The children have had a lovely week of learning, keeping busy and getting along as the big wonderful team that we are!

Our class pebble jar is nearly full! Whoop! This is a testament to how well the children have done at working together as a team. I predict it will be full by mid week if they keep up their hard work and a super whole class treat will be in store! The children have told me what they would like as a class treat so I have lots of ideas in store!

This week our learning has centred around the animals of the world as we have journeyed on with our class book hook We Are Here by Oliver Jeffers. We have been sorting and classifying animals according to where their habitats are, so we thought about animals that live in the sky, on the land and in the sea. We then thought about animals that are wild, domestic and those that are kept as pets and the kind of things these animals need and do. Miss Hodgeson and I absolutely love the awesome class  discussions that we have. The children are so hungry for knowledge and they are loving learning about the world around them. heart


The children have been writing about their favourite animals this week. They have used their developing phonic knowledge to write independently. Here are a few lovely examples of their writing (I wish I could feature them all!) 





In maths we have been focusing upon a number each day up to the number 20. We have looked at how each number can be represented visually in different ways. Please find below a link to the Powerpoint presentations that we used in class. They will give you some insight and feel free to share them at home to consolidate your child's learning of number. 

Not much tele is good tele! But I can really advocate The Number Blocks on Cbeebies to help your child to understand number in a lovely visual way. Each number has its own 5 min (or so) show and they link nicely with the videos above. All of the shows can be found in BBC Iplayer and on Youtube.



We have a new PE slot each week! Mr Shingler is a wonderful PE coach and he will be taking R2 on Thursday afternoon from this week. He teaches fitness, team games, gymnastics and he is so good with the children. Can I ask that up until Christmas (all being well) that your children come into school in their Jogging bottoms on Thursdays instead of Fridays. Here is a round up of our PE lessons:

Dance with Miss Murphy on Wednesday mornings- no jogging bottoms or trainers needed

PE with Mr Shingler on Thursday afternoons -jogging bottoms and trainers needed

Yoga Fridays with Mrs Cook on Fridays- no jogging bottoms or trainers needed


My apologies for not sending out a paper copy of this week's new phonics learning. It was a very busy home time! Here is a photo of it...



Next week we will be learning about Harvest Time. We will be thinking about where our food comes from and how farmers work hard to bring it to our tables. We are going to share the fable of The Little Red Hen and do some lovely Harvest related crafts. Here is the story of the Little Red Hen to share at home...

Story time: Little Red Hen | Oxford Owl

Visit our website for more storyteller videos: Watch a professional storytel...

A Few Reminders...

  • It is Fancy Dress Day at school on Tuesday! Please bring a £1 donation for our wonderful PFTA and dress up in what makes you happy!
  • PE joggers and trainers on Thursday and not Fridays for the remainder of the term (up until Christmas)
  • School is closed on Friday 23rd for an INSET day
  • It is getting chilly! Please make sure that your child has a warm coat
  • Please make sure that you write in your child's reading record every time to indicate that you have read
  • If your child is bringing in WOWs, paper replies to school or anything you need me to see please hand it to me at the school gate as we don't go through book bags
  • Don't forget to make a Harvest donation to this year's charity

Well that's it for this week, except a big well done to Joshua for being this week's R2 medal winner! He is always so ready to learn and share his brilliant ideas! Well done Joshua! Here are a few pics to share. Have a lovely week peeps and Miss Hodgeson and I can't wait to see you on Monday!


Mrs Cook x
