Hi everyone,good morning! I hope you enjoyed the well-being activities yesterday.Mrs O’Connell and I loved seeing you and your super drawings on our zoom meeting.
For the next few days we are going to use the story of the Three Little Pigs as the inspiration for our writing tasks .
I am sure that it is a story that you know well. I hope you enjoy watching the video of me reading the story.
Today I would like you to write a newspaper report about the story. It’s not quite like doing a retell of the whole story. You need to write about the main event in an exciting way.. You could use some exclamation marks ! and then maybe say what some of the characters have to say about what happened.Here is an example of newspaper report.
You can write a much shorter one. You can use one of the templates below or draw out your own page. They is also a word mat to help with some key words. Please send me a photo of your report. I’m sure they will be fantastic !
Let’s look at split digraphs for our phonics today
Word of the day
I am going to give you two words today as we didn’t have one yesterday . Tomorrow we are going to have a little spelling check .
said school
Here is a fun game to test your memory skills.
Warm up
Let’s practise counting in 10s to start.
Today we are looking at counting tens and ones. Please watch the video and then complete the work sheet.
Here is a great game to practise your place value knowledge
Do you remember, a few weeks ago I asked you to make a rain gauge ? If you did, have you been measuring the rainfall ? We have had a lot of rain to measure recently!
Today we are going to look at another kind of weather- the wind. You are going to find out about levels of wind and then see how you can record windy weather.
Physical Activity
Thursday is always our Mr Shingler PE lesson. Join him today and see what challenges he has for you.
Enjoy your day,
Mrs Al-Noah x