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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week beginning 6th July 2020

This week we are going to go back to focusing on our number work and working with our numbers up to 100. As always the activity suggestions can be completed practically without having to print the sheets. Where we have found appropriate games on-line as an alternative to the written work, we have included links. We have also included a 100 square to print, if you need it.

Lesson 1 - Counting to 100

Please watch the White Rose Video which will revisit some of the maths we have already learnt.

The BBC Bitesize webpage also has lots of fun activities to do and some links to extra work. If you want to really challenge yourself you can find out 10 more or 10 less than a number (this is Year2 work!smiley). Alternatively there is a WRM activity to complete below.

Lesson 2 - Partitioning 2 digit numbers up to 100

In class we have looked at partitioning our 2 digit numbers using the part whole model and using our ten frames or tens and ones (base 10) equipment. Now you are at home and haven’t got that equipment we have given you a few ideas of things you could use instead to help you (if you need them).

Please watch the WRM video and Bitesize daily videos before completing the activity either on the sheet or practically.

Lesson 3 - Comparing numbers up to 100

We are now going to use what we have learnt about the value of numbers to compare 2 numbers. We have done this in school and used the maths symbols to help us, but we still get the direction that the symbols go in mixed up! The BBC bitesize video will show you a way to remember but please watch the WRM video first.

For those who want to work with smaller numbers, why not try these instead?

Lesson 4 - Comparing numbers up to 100 (part 2)

Please watch the WRM and the BBC Bitesize videos first.

For those who want to work with smaller numbers, why not try this instead?

Lesson 5 - Ordering numbers up to 100

We are now going to use what we have learnt this week to order a group of numbers from the smallest to largest and largest to smallest. Please watch the WRM and BBC Bitesize videos first.
