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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 3

Hi Reception 2 Families!

We have had a very busy and happy week together! The children are swiftly settling into school life and feeling like they belong. We have created some awesome self-portraits with Miss Hodgeson using pencil crayons. We looked really closely in the mirror at the shape and the colour of our individual face features, talked about them and selected the correct colours to draw and shade. Mrs Cook has been blown away whilst finding out what we already know during our baseline assessments and you'd be amazed at how independently we have played, worked and learned together as we have carouselled through different activities and challenges throughout the week. We've loved our outdoor time too and the sunshine has filled us with extra zest! The children were wonderful in our PE time. We enjoyed taking a brisk walk and then a jog around the big playground when it was safe for our bubble to do so. We compared how we felt after walking and then jogging. We enjoyed a good old game of Duck Duck Goose and the children were wonderful at waiting for their go and ensuring that everyone got a turn! Friday's whole school Zoom assembly was fun and Leah was proudly crowned as our first medal winner in recognition of her lovely positive attitude to learning and for being kind and gentle! We were also so proud of Amelia who was awarded our class Star of the Week trophy as a result of her amazing listening skills and her polite manners. All of the children have taken pride of place on our Class Reward Rocket. This is a chance for them to reach number 10 in recognition of their individual efforts and eventually choose an awesome reward from the treasure box! Our class Pebble Jar is filling up fast too! Pebbles are awarded when we work as a class team and when it is full we will have a big class treat to say Well Done Team!


Here's a sneaky peek at week 3!

Letters sent home this week

Daily Phonics

We learn phonics using Jolly Phonics, alongside the governments non-statutory guidance Letters and Sounds. Jolly Phonics is a wonderful resource in helping the children to make correspondences between the letters and their sounds. Please find below a web link to the Jolly Phonics songs and actions in video format. We work through the letters and sounds at a rate of one new sound (phoneme) a day during our daily phonics session, until the children have learnt all of the letter/sound correspondences in the spoken and written English language. Phonics give the children the tools they need to be able to read and write. Have fun practising the Jolly Phonics Songs at home!


This week we have learnt the sounds (phonemes) for:


s     a     t    p   i


I will provide you with ongoing guidance and support with phonics, to enable you to practise and guide your child at home. smiley


Next week, week 4, we will begin to explore our fabulous new class book...


Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers

Listen to this wonderful guide to planet earth and look at the beautiful illustrations.

Thank you for such a lovely week. You have made Miss Hodgeson and I very happy and proud. Have a super sunny weekend R2 families!


Mrs Cook

