Reception 1 have had a super week!
We had a delivery of some caterpillars! In class we have learnt about the life cycle of a butterfly and enjoyed the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. The children are very excited to watch them grow and change into beautiful butterflies.
Your children have created fantastic, colourful symmetrical butterflies with paint and have enjoyed junk modelling, gymnastics and yoga this week.
The beans the children planted a few weeks ago have begun to sprout. They are keeping a bean diary and this week the children have measured the shoots of the beans and have written in their bean diary.
We have managed to enjoy some outdoor play during this crazy weather.
Reminders -
* PE is on Tuesday and Friday and your child is to come to school wearing their PE clothes.
* all children need to have a named bottle of water in school daily
* please check all clothing, including hats, scarves and gloves are labelled
Thank you to the parents who have returned the parent's evening slips. I will send your appointment times home early in the week.
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend
Take care
Mrs Spooner x