Hello Reception 2 and welcome back to school!
It has been so lovely to see you all and we have hit the ground running with our new topic
This week the children have sprung right back into routines and they have been delighted to be reacquainted with their school buddies This week in maths we have continued to learn about numbers to 5: subitizing (recognising a small amount without counting ), composition (ways of making 5, 1+4, 3+2 etc) and also learning about zero ( a number that children often find tricky to work with).
We have discussed the materials that toys are made of, handled different toys, identified their materials and gone on to sort them in a sorting table.
In literacy we shared the story 'I Love You Blue Kangaroo.' We discussed our favourite toys, drew pictures of them and wrote about their colours and materials. We then went on to make playdough models of Blue Kangaroo.
In phonics we have reached the end of Level 1+ of Floppy's Phonics. Next week we'll embark upon Level 2 of the scheme. The next homework sheets will come home this Friday once the phonemes j and v have been taught in class. Please ensure that they are completed by the following Thursday. Thanks as always for supporting your child at home with their reading, phonics and Helpful Words, it makes a huge difference to their
Next week sees us learning about and comparing Old and New Toys. If your child has chatted to you about the toys that you and perhaps their Grandparents played with as children, this will really help with their understanding. In maths we'll learn to add within 5 pictorially. We'll look at sequencing a the story 'The Old Toy Room' recalling what happened at the beginning, middle and end. We'll look at some repro old traditional toys and make an old fashioned cup and ball toy.
Our class pebble jar is nearly full! We are heading for a class treat this week! The children have chosen icing and decorating biscuits for their Golden Time-how exciting!
A huge well done to Kai for being this week's R2 medal winner! Kai was credited for his amazing knowledge and understanding of the world and for being a really helpful young man.
I have put some long overdue Christmas photos into the Autumn 2, week 7 folder for you to enjoy.
(apologies for them being so late, I left the class ipad at school over the hols )
I hope that you enjoy the pictures of our lovely week! Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs Cook x