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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.


Hello Reception 2 Families!


Welcome to Monday’s Home Learning! I hope that you have had an ace weekend and that you are ready for some brilliant Home Learning!


Monday’s Topic Work


We are going to continue with our Arctic topic this week. We are going to learn about…





Watch the video as Luna and her little brother, 2 very curious children, investigate and discover what icebergs are. Let’s find out with them! Just click on the link…


Talk to your grown up and tell them 3 facts about icebergs.

Now have a go at drawing an iceberg. Just watch the step by step video. Just try your best and have a go! Click the link below…


Monday’s Literacy Work


Here is a lovely rhyming story for you to listen to and watch. Just click on the link…



Earth To Luna! Ice Giants - What is an iceberg?

Talk to your grown up and tell them 3 facts about icebergs.

Now have a go at drawing an iceberg. Just watch the step by step video. Just try your best and have a go! Click the link below…


Last week we had a really good recap of the digraphs ‘ai’ and ‘ee’. Let's see if we have remembered...


Grownups, first say 'ai' clearly to your child and see if they can write the letters that represent this sound. Remember, they are digraphs-2 letters side-by-side, making 1 sound. Now do the same with the 'ee' phoneme.


Ask your child if they can you think of 3 words that have an ‘ai’ phoneme (sound) in them?

I wonder if they could write them?

Can they think of 3 words that have an ‘ee’ phoneme (sound) in them?

I wonder if they could write them?

Now, I wonder if you could put your ‘ai’ and ‘ee’ words into spoken sentences?


This week we will focus on the first trigraph that the children learn on their phonic journey.

A trigraph is a phoneme (sound) like all of the others that we have learnt. It’s difference is that it has… 3 letters side-by-side that make 1 sound

Have a recap on all of the phonemes we have learnt by listening and joining in with the Jolly Phonics video. Can you look out for the song and action that will help you to remember the igh trigraph?


Follow the video all about the ‘igh’ trigraph and practise segmenting and blending words that contain it. Just click the link below…


Grownups, say these words to your child out loud, nice and clearly, making the beginning middle and end sounds really clear and ask them to have a go at writing them…

night   sight   light


Let’s have a recap of our Tricky Words. Upon school closure, the children were all at different stages in securing the Phased sets of Tricky Words. The following Powerpoint allows you to select the Tricky Words according to each Phase…

Monday’s Maths Work


Let’s warm up our brain mathematicians!



I have recorded my voice to help your child to follow this PowerPoint independently. You could use it as an opportunity to practise number formation too. As a number is generated, your child will say what the number name is and then write it before clicking on the number to generate a new one. In it, they will practise recall of numbers 0-20. Here is the link…


Last week we practised naming 2D shapes, we learnt some mathematical vocabulary about 2D shapes too when we talked about their properties.

This week, we will look at 3D shapes. We have covered this in class previously.

Here are the 3D shapes that we have already covered…



Let’s explore the 3D shapes that we find around us everyday! Click on the Powerpoint link…


This activity is great for 3D shape recognition and counting with accuracy. At school, when counting pictures, we put a line through them as we count them to help us to count with accuracy. Could you try this at home? A link to this work sheet is below.


Now join in with a 3D shape song!


Monday’s Physical Challenge


Join Elsa from Frozen in her fitness workout!


It is important that we keep up with practising our cutting skills. Use this sheet to cut along the lines really carefully! The link is below the picture.



We have 2 stories today! Miss Hodgson has another wintery themed story for you to enjoy!


Mrs Cook will be reading the first chapter of our new chapter book My Father’s Dragon

Enjoy them and I’ll see you tomorrow for more supersonic Home Learning!

Mrs Cook x   Lots and Lots of Love from Miss Hodgson x


Still image for this video
  1. BTW, please will you put a cup of water in the freezer today to freeze ready for a bit of a science lesson tomorrow. Thank you.
  2. BTW, have you discovered that on the Epic reading resource you can click on the ‘Quiz’ icon when you have read any book and you will be given a little multiple choice quiz! Awesome, fun reading to be had!


