Hello Reception 2 Families!
It's been a busy week in R2! The children like to be busy though and they are enthusiastically getting stuck into everything. They do get tired as the day/week goes on but they are doing a stirling job of managing this. Everyone is settling in to this new dynamic and working out who is who and what is what! These little people just amaze me in how they do adapt to school life and you should be very, very proud of each and every one of them. Miss Hodgson and I certainly are.
So what have we been up to?! This week, we have begun to properly explore our 'It's Good to be ME!' topic and have begun by looking at how we are all wonderfully unique. We shared the 'It's Okay to be Different' book, which generated lots of class discussion.
In maths, we have begun the White Rose Maths Scheme. Here is a link to their website and a welcome video for which encapsulates what the WRM scheme is all about. There is a wealth of information for parents and resources on the site that you can use at home, if you wish. It also offers a great insight into how early maths is delivered. Have a good nosy...
In maths we have begun our maths journey by exploring the concept of sorting and matching. The children have enjoyed working independently with resources to show us their understanding.
We have embarked upon our Floppy's Phonics Scheme with gusto! Please see the attached letter from Mrs Walkden all about the scheme...
Please take the time to read Mrs Walkden's letter.
Mrs Spooner and I sent home a letter on Friday to alert you to our reading routines and what we need from you.
To recap please help your child by...
Writing in their yellow reading record EVERY TIME you read with them.
If you're wondering what you need to write...
We need this feedback from you because we are a partnership and we want to share your home reading experiences with you to help us to build a picture of your child's progress at home and at school. Also, your indicating that they have read their book at home tells us that their book needs to be changed. If you don't indicate, then their book will remain unchanged.
Please make sure that your child's reading folder is in their book bag EVERY DAY. The children don't have a set reading day so their reading folder is needed daily.
Thank you for your co-operation and support
We have a new medal winner! A very proud Arlo. Chosen for his lovely manners, his gentle hands and kind words, his awesome listening skills and for being a super role model.
Next week, we will talk about our homes and our families (most of you have sent in your child's pic of them with family but if you haven't please do!) We will be continuing with Floppy's Phonics and learning to make a letter/sound correspondence with t and p. At home please talk to your child about things that have a t or p in their name. Is the t or p at the start of the word, in the middle or at the end? i.e. tap, sitting, wet. Tuning into sounds in words is mega key at this stage in their phonics learning. In maths we will be comparing amounts i.e. which is more, fewer/less or are they the same?
Here are some photographs to give you a peek at what has been a lovely week...
Please have a read of the Curriculum Newsletter for Autumn 1. Just click on the link below...
Here is an electronic copy of the letter that was sent out this week. Please have a read, it has lots of important reminders in it...
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs Cook x