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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Year Two


Well here it is... the last week of our school year. 

What a rollercoaster the last few months have been for everyone.

We are so very proud of the efforts that the children have made and want to thank all of you for the support we have had throughout this time. 

We wish everyone the best of luck at the juniors and please be reassured that we are continuing to communicate with them about the children. We hope to visit them at the junior school, if possible, to ensure they have settled in and just to see their lovely faces!


 We are looking forward to seeing some of you in school this week and hope that you will have fun in your small groups. If you are staying at home, we are still here for you and you can contact us via e-mail.


Our last week...


In normal circumstances, at this time of year, we would have been having parties and fun filled days. We would have completed our SATs and been enjoying this time together. With this in mind we have put some fun activities for you to do with your child/children.


Below is a grid of activities that you can try- perhaps some of them next week and over the summer! White Rose and BBC Bitesize are continuing to publish work until Friday. We have uploaded an English booklet (please complete it at your own pace). We will upload White Rose sheets for those who are continuing to follow it.

There are a few different activities in the 'Other Ideas' page and Mrs Hart has uploaded her last phonics.





As well as the ideas and information listed within each subject area below, we have set work on Education City.

  • Log in
  • Click on 'classwork'
  • Go into this week's folder 
  • Complete the activities as and when it suits you! We can log on and see your scores, so your hard work will be noted!🤩