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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Friday Remote Learning 22/1

Today's Timetable

1 Good Morning from Mrs Gill

2 Star Card of the day

3 Telling the time

4 English of the day

5 Topic work

6 Choose a story for story time 

1 Good Morning



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2 Star of the day

I am a relaxed star!


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3 I can tell the time!

I love this "Number time" video its a great reminder about the clock hands and half past and o'clock times. 

I'm sure you are very good at recognising the times. Can you make a list of half past and o'clock times and write what you do at each of these times? Please can you write these in your maths book.


Enjoy this short time video and enjoy playing the games.

4 English

a) Phonics of the day


b)Grammar of the day 
Today we are going to listen to the story of Elmer in the snow. I've had snow again have you? Please listen carefully to the story.   


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Listen to what you are going to do next




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Remember these things when you are writing.


Today we listen and join in with the Great Fire of London music programme. We have learnt a lot about the Great Fire of London and now you are experts I thought it would be a nice thing to sing about! I know you have been writing instructions of the burning house experiment this week.

I hope you enjoy.



Friday Challenge

Mrs Gill’s challenge is to draw, paint, collage or colour an Elmer. I would love to see these please! 


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