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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Summer 1

Friday 27th May 

Our jubilee party was a lovely way to finish this half term . We were lucky with the weather and the children enjoyed a picnic in the playground.We had a parade around the party table to show off hats and then a dance.It was great to see all the year groups mixing together, especially in their colourful outfits.


Still image for this video

When we return after the break the children with be taking part in the National Phonics Screening Check. They will need to identify sounds and read them in real and nonsense words . It would be helpful if they could look back at their phonic homework sheets to reinforce their knowledge.For some children I have highlighted on the alphabet code which sounds they particularly need to practise (coloured sheet in their reading folder. ) It will really help them to revise and practise their phonic work.Playing the phonic games at the top of the page could also be helpful.

I have kept the children’s spelling books to add new lists for next term.

Whatever you are doing over the next couple of weeks .I hope you enjoy the break and manage some relaxation . Everyone deserve a good rest and battery recharge.

Love from Mrs Al-Noah



Friday 20th May 

We have been working hard on our writing this week. I have been encouraging the children to try to write more and to remember to use capital letters and full stops.They wrote about what Beegu found out about earth and busy cities. I am very pleased with their efforts at becoming independent writers.They are trying hard to work quietly and concentrate on the task . I have told them they are looking like year 2s already!

In maths we have been looking at half and quarters of numbers .On Friday we found out about clockwise quarter and half turns .We tried doing it with letters, shapes and ourselves!

As our topic next term will be Kenya, Miss Green and I thought it would be nice to visit Blackpool zoo and see some African animals. Here are some initial details about the trip.

Next week we have jubilee celebrations on Tuesday. The children can wear red,white and blue clothes on the day. Friday is class photo day.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Al-Noah and Miss Ryde

Friday 13th May 

Lots going on in our class this week . On Monday Mr Shingler was here to teach javelin throwing techniques. Everyone got better the more attempts they had.

In English we have started a new book about a little alien called Beegu, who comes to earth. The children used  questions words in their writing ,as they imagined all the things Beegu would want to find out about.

In maths we have been continuing work on shape and finding out about half of a 2D shape.

We have also been creative with our wax resist alien paintings  and starting our  moving rocket pictures.

You may have noticed  that the phonics homework sheet is now slightly different. The children need to practise reading the lists of words and recognising a sound can be made with different letters. Then they underline words  containing the sound in the text.Complete the sheet by writing a short  sentence containing one of the words and draw a picture.Handwriting will need to be small as there is not a lot of space!

Hope you are enjoying the sunshine, 🌞

Mrs Al-Noah and Miss Ryde

Wednesday 11th May

I just want to say a huge thank you for your cards and gifts. It was brilliant to see the children yesterday, and I was overwhelmed by your generosity and good wishes. I can't wait to pop in again soon! 

Keep in touch, love Mrs O'Connell Xx

Friday 6th May 

The children are really enjoying our space topic. They are getting to be very good at naming all the planets in the solar system !This week we focused on learning about the first Lunar landing and  what an a ‘giant leap for mankind’ it was.  We talked about how far technology has advanced ,when we referred back to our earlier topic on the first aeroplanes. Lots of the children  hope to be able to travel into space themselves in the future .

As part of our English work the children have designed  and written about some amazing aliens. Here are some examples.

Those children in the class who celebrated  Eid earlier this week enjoyed sharing what they had done. We have also started learning about Islam in RE. The children drew some fantastic pictures of a mosque.

Mrs O’Connell was very disappointed to miss her last week in school , due to illness.However, she is hoping to visit the children in school soon to say good bye.The children enjoyed having Miss Ryde to teach them and she will now be the class teacher every Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Al-Noah 

Friday 29th April

This week we have begun our new topic 5,4,3,2,1… Blast off! And as you can probably tell from the title it is all about space. The children have been enthusiastically telling us everything they know about space and we think we might have some future astronauts in class! ðŸ˜Š

We have also been practising our speaking and listening skills by sharing ideas with our 'talking partners'. Well done 1C!

For all the children and families celebrating in the next few days, we wish you Eid Mubarak in advance.

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend.

Mrs O'Connell and Mrs Al-Noah Xx

Monday 25th April

Welcome back everyone! We have had a super day and the children have been raring to go. Please check the newsletter at the top of this page to find out about all of the exciting things we will be doing in Year One this half term. 

Next week will be my last week before maternity leave, my last day will be Wednesday 4th May. The children are superstars and are very excited for me which is lovely. smiley


In my absence, Mrs Al-Noah will be working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and Miss Ryde, who the children also know, will be teaching 1C on a Wednesday. I know they will continue to have fantastic fun and will be very well looked after, although I will miss the class very much.

Mrs O'Connell xx
