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Week beginning 11th May 2020

This week’s work is focusing on addition and subtraction, using the skills we have already learnt and applying them to solving number sentences (sums). We have provided some worksheets as ideas for the type of activities that can be completed. You may find that there are some activity pages the children can complete in their maths workbooks instead.


Continuing with last week’s work on addition we would like you to have a go at adding 3 single digits together. You will need to use your number bonds and doubling skills to help you. If you want an extra challenge you can do this practically with a dice (adding any 3 numbers) and work the answer out mentally or use a number line.

Lesson 2 is about subtraction. You will need to be able to count back accurately to get the answers to the subtraction number sentences (sums). Like last week, if you are working these out mentally, you need to put the largest number in your head first and count back using the smallest number, using your hands. You can also use a number line.

Lesson 3 and 4 are about practising to recognise the addition and subtraction symbols/ words in number sentences. You can complete these in your head or draw your own number line or use objects. Please remember that ‘find the difference’ subtraction sums mean you have to count up (like when you found ‘change’ doing the money topic).

Lesson 5 is about making the link between your number bonds and using this information to complete addition and subtraction sums by mentally counting on and back from larger numbers. It would help if you practised counting forwards and backwards accurately first.

*Parents/ carer note - This is not an exhaustive list of activities for addition and subtraction and you may find that your child is struggling with one particular area e.g subtraction or missing numbers in sums. If this is the case, we would suggest that you focus the learning this week on the area of difficulty using small numbers and lots of practical activities before tackling bigger numbers. Playing board games such as snakes and ladders is a great practical way of doing mental calculations.
