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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Wednesday 13.1.21



Today I would like you to complete a reading comprehension. There are three different levels, please choose one that you think your child will be confident completing. Watch the introduction below.





Today we are going to be continuing to work on multiplication. 

For your maths starter I would like you to play on Hit the Button- number bonds to 10/20/100.


Watch the videos below and complete the worksheets.


If your child would like a further challenge please click on the links below and answer the questions asked in the videos. 





Mrs Hart delivers our lesson today. Please watch the video below and collect as many things as you can on the list of materials. Mrs Hart would like you to investigate which materials can be twisted. 



Mr Hart's science lesson part 1

3C Materials song

Mrs Hart's science lesson part 2

Mrs Hart shows you how cotton is twisted to be used for many different purposes. Below are some pictures of cotton plants in fields and the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco.
