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Week 6


Hello Reception 2 Families


We have had a really busy and very lovely week. We have all had some great discussions about our feelings, good ones and bad ones. We have talked about friendship and kindness and have written about the things that make us happy and how we can spread the happiness we feel around others. We made a Valentines card for our families and found out about what Valentine's Day is about. Take a look at our class displays which celebrate these lovely topics and remind us of what we learnt...


On Well Being Wednesday we practised some breathing exercises and relaxed to a meditation story. We talked about how we can ease away feelings of frustration and made home made squishies using balloons and water beads. It was a super fiddly thing to do but the children were so patient and careful.

In phonics we learnt about the phoneme 'z' and in maths we combined sets to find totals and talked about how to pair objects. We have been reminding ourselves of the importance of accurately counting using careful one to one correspondence. At home, take whatever opportunities you can to practise this skill with your child using physical objects and drawn objects. In PE the children have spent the Spring 1 term with Mr Shingler learning how to play basket ball. They can now travel and bounce a ball with control and have learnt how to tackle and be tackled. He thinks they are awesome and have shown the same ability as the older children he teaches, well done R2! Next term Mr Shingler will teach the children athletics.


So to top off what has been such a lovely Spring 1 Term, on Friday our school took part in Kindness Day, an event that was organised by our fabulous PTFA. The children looked great in their red and pink clothes.heart We took a short walk to Victoria Park on Friday morning and spent some time in the Community Classroom, where we each made another person in the class a friendship bracelet. We enjoyed pink lemonade and love heart shaped jam butties! The children were so well behaved and a real credit to our school. Enjoy the photos of the children having some Kindness Day fun!

Next half term is Spring 2. Our new topic is 'Once Upon a Time.' Over the holidays please read some Traditional and Fairy Tales with your child to get them ready for this awesome topic! Here is a little family quiz for you to do at home to get the children thinking about Traditional tales, many of which I'm sure they are already familiar with. Enjoy!

Miss Hodgson and I are incredibly proud of the children with all that they have achieved so far. We cannot wait to see them in Spring 2 for lots more fun, growing and learning. But we all need time to recharge, so have an ace half term break and take good care of yourselves!



Mrs Cook x
