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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Thursday 4/2

Thursday's timetable

1 Hello from School

2 Mr Shingler's challenge

3 Marvellous handling data maths

4 English tasks for the day

5 Topic work

6 Miss Hamilton reads a non fiction book about Maps. 

Good Morning Everyone I hope you enjoyed the wellbeing Wednesday yesterday there were so many exciting activities to choose from. What did you do? Please email in and let me know!  


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2 Get the morning started with Mr Shingler 


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Hello there 2F mathematicians. Today we are going to start off in our yellow/blue maths books and Id like you to write as many ways of making 100 as you can. You can choose to record some adds some subtraction "take aways" some multiplications and if you can some divides. 

Watch my video to show how I will start you off! 


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Today we are going to complete some work on block graphs. Pleas watch the white rose video and complete the attached worksheet. 
When you have finished have a try of the games on Education City. 

4 English of the day

For your English warm up take a look at the homophones below.

Well done I hope you enjoyed these. 


Today we are going to look at another comprehension. We do this weekly and today's comprehension is great!


Always choose the one that looks the right for your child's reading. 

5 Topic of the day.

Today we look at maps in more detail. Have a listen to Miss Hamilton reading the Map non fiction book.


I would like you to draw a map of the classroom or the outside of the school. Watch the iMovie to remind yourself of all the areas outside,


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When drawing a map yourself. It’s important to remember that we can only draw things that can’t move. You may see someone on a scooter in nursery but you can’t put them on the map. 

Here is a map I have drawn after looking at the video. It’s a bit tricky to get everything the right size. Have a try label everything you can.

Have a try at drawing your own map.
6 Story time 