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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

December Diary Dates

30th November 2020

Dear parents and carers,


I can’t believe I am writing this already but yes ……


and what a fun packed December we have in store.  The first thing, each week, each class will decorate their classroom windows with pictures from a famous Christmas song; why not walk around the school perimeter and play Guess The Carol (we will display the title at the end of each the week). 

We have lots of events and activities planned in school but here are some important December dates for your diary:

  • Friday 4th  – Glam It Up Friday.  Children can come to school in their favourite clothes.  This can either be a dressing up outfit, a Christmas jumper or just their favourite clothes.  Please do not send them in anything too special though as it will be a normal day in school and we would hate for special clothes to get ruined: think playtimes too, outside.
  • Monday 7th  – new week, new Christmas song to guess around school
  • Wednesday 9th – Nursery ‘Carols In The Cold’ (see below for more details)
  • Thursday 10th – the whole school will be taking part in a Christmas Extravaganza Concert.  Our children will join other schools throughout Trafford, via zoom, to create a virtual concert
  • Friday 11th – Christmas Jumper Day.  Your child can wear any jumper and jazz it up, it does not have to be a shop bought “Christmas Jumper”, it’s just a fun day to wear something jazzy!
  • Monday 14th – ‘Carols In The Cold’ for Rec, Yr1 and Yr 2 (see below for more details)
  • Monday 14th – children will be asked to contribute £2.00 towards their class Christmas party
  • Tuesday 15th – Panto Pandemonium.  Each class will watch a panto in their classroom with tasty treats and lots of audience participation
  • Wednesday 16th – The classes will be competing against each other via zoom, answering questions, performing challenges and maybe even some bush tucker trials to see which class will be crowned ‘The Top Class of 2020’
  • Wednesday 16th – school Christmas dinner day.  All school dinner children will be having a Christmas dinner (no sandwiches on this day).  The school kitchen will be a hive of activity on the 16th!!  If your child brings a packed lunch, feel free to jazz it up and put something special in for them too
  • Thursday 17th – Party Day.  Don’t forget your dancing shoes, there will be music, games and dancing to send 2020 out on a high!
  • Friday 18th – last day of term with music and dancing altogether in the playground (socially distanced bubbles)

Carols In The Cold – we want to keep the tradition of the children performing for you at Christmas and we are pleased to announce that the children will be performing a (short) Christmas sing-a-long for you to come and watch, in the afternoon.  However, this year, guidelines are very clear and very strict.  In order for us to make this happen there are some rules we must put in place.  The sing-a-long will be held in the playground so you will need to wrap up and if the weather is too rainy, we will postpone it to the following day.  The children will perform in their class bubbles and the other class, in their year group, will perform at the same time.  In order to be able to adhere to social distancing, there will be a maximum of two adults per pupil allowed to come and watch.  We cannot accommodate younger siblings as we will not have the space for push chairs as it will already be difficult to ensure that spacing is correct and that everyone will be able to see and young children will not be able to walk around as this is unfair when people are trying to socially distance.  However, it is a chance for you to come and watch your child sing with their friends and get into the Christmas spirit.  Further details will be sent out in a separate letter but if you have any immediate questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am sure that you will agree that this looks like a fun filled December and we are looking forward to it as much as the children – the only thing to make it even better would be an appearance from a very ‘special visitor’ but we know how busy he is at this time of year.  Fingers crossed everyone!

Well, early to bed tonight everyone, December is going to be a very busy month

Best wishes

Mrs Walkden

