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Week beginning 11th May 2020

  • As part of our work on animals we would like you to find out about how to take care of a pet. We have included a presentation for you to use. What do all animals need to keep them alive? We have included a worksheet as an example as one way of presenting the answer, but you can draw your answer or even make it into a poster.
  • We are also going to find out what types of food animals like to eat to stay alive. They are either meat eaters, plant eaters or meat and plant eaters. In science these have special names. We say animals are either carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. If you watch the clip on BBC Bitesize, it will explain more about these words.
  • This week’s activity involves some scientific research to find out what animals eat. We have included some pictures of animals for you to sort into the right category and also given you a practical investigation to do about animal poo! (with a little parental help - see parent notes).
  • Here are some useful websites with craft ideas on how to make some animals.