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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Summer 2

Week beginning 19th June

What is left to say? Other than thank you for being the best class ever! I will miss you very much but I know you're going to be brilliant junior children. Thank you again for all my lovely cards and gifts- I am very lucky! Mrs Ogden,Mrs Daniels, Mrs Howarth and Mrs Hart would also like me to say a massive thank you too!


Have a lovely summer and stay safe everybody. X




Our last assembly...


Still image for this video


Thee Best Day Ever!!!!

Dancing feet!!!!

Still image for this video

Week beginning 12th July


​​​​We've had a lovely week in school. We've been busy in geography, recapping the continents, oceans, countries that make up the U.K and the capital cities of these countries. We have also been looking at Tokyo and how it compares to other places we have investigated throughout the year.

We have been evaluating our dragon eyes in art and design. In maths we have been working on following two step word problems involving direction- using language such as clockwise, anticlockwise, rotate, quarter turn, half turn and three quarter turn 


We have also had lots of fun things happening in school this week. We had sports morning where the children competed for different countries in their groups to earn Olympic points!


The children also enjoyed the outdoor disco- it was lovely to see them having so much fun!


We took part in the danceathon and the sponsored mile in the glorious sunshine! Thank you so much for the donations- it means so much. If you have any more sponsorship money please bring it in this week- the total so far is looking amazing!!!!!!!


So... we enter our last week of school at VPIS! Here are a few things to remember-


If you could give a donation towards the party that is taking place on Wednesday I would be very grateful. 


It is going to be hot this coming week so please apply suncream to your child and send them in with a sunhat. As always they must have a water bottle in school.


If you have an library/reading books at home please return them, as all books are being collected in on Monday.


Please refer to the letter about what your child needs to be dressed in for this coming week.


Mr Wilkinson is visiting school on Thursday to see our Year 2 classes. The children will have the opportunity to ask any final questions they may have. 


Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday!


Week Beginning 4th July


I can't believe how quickly the weeks are going! Although we are nearing the end of the half term there is no time to rest. This week we have been writing about different ways in which castles can be defended and attacked,explaining what tactics were used to do both of these things! 


In maths we have been practising a variety of problems involving the four operations. We have also been recapping fractions of numbers.


We are beginning to learn about the Olympics. On Thursday we made our own torches and Mrs Ayan, from Trafford Sport, brought in a replica of an Olympic torch(see the pictures below) for all the children to hold. The teachers even took part in a little torch relay.


In art we have been painting our dragon eyes and learning about the artist Paul Klee.

The children also took part in a virtual music concert, and got the chance to listen to live music.


The highlight of the week was when Miss Daly visited- the children showed her just how wonderful they are. They got the chance to chat and ask her any questions they had. I know she was very impressed with their behaviour and impeccable manners.


Homework- please complete the comprehension sent home. I have also uploaded a maths activity on Education City for children to complete.


Reminder- we are on sandwiches next week. The danceathon is on Tuesday-weather permitting. We also have our picnic on Wednesday.



Have a lovely weekend!






A note about Fridays- please can all children attend school in trainers until the end of term on this day. We will be having football sessions from Manchester United. 

Week Beginning 28th June


This week we have been working on writing letters to Mr Wilkinson, to introduce ourselves and ask some questions about the juniors. The children worked really hard and produced some beautiful work.


In maths we have been consolidating multiplication and division, solving missing number problems and word problems involving these two operations.


We had so much fun in art on Wednesday- we created dragon eyes using air drying clay.


In science we have been recapping life cycles and using our class pets as a starting point! We released the snails, but not before they had managed to escape from the tank and eat the display paper-this brought about some interesting questions as their poo was blue!


Homework - your child should have brought home a comprehension to complete. Please return this by Thursday next week .


Next week we have Miss Daly coming over to visit us on Thursday. I will also be meeting with her to discuss the children's transition to year three. I will be talking about their strengths, areas to work on and any anxieties the children may have. As always, if you need to speak to me please get in touch.


On Tuesday we have our sponsored danceathon and mile- don't forget to wear non-uniform and comfortable shoes!



Week beginning 21st June


This week we have been working on some our basic skills in English such as reading comprehensions, spellings and handwriting. In maths we have been revising multiplication and division, which is the homework for this week-


Please access the games below and set a level that will challenge your child. We need to be consolidate 2,5,10 and 3s, but if your child is ready for 4s go for it!-


We have also been working on word problems and below you will find a worksheet I would like to children to complete and hand in before next Friday-


We have had a very busy week with three physical sessions. We were lucky enough to have the coaches in from Manchester United to do some football sessions with the Year 2 children. 


We have also got some new visitors to the classroom- snails! The children were fascinated with the abundance of snails that emerged after the rain had stopped on Thursday. We have put a few in a tank and we will be basing our science lesson next week on them! 

Homework below-

Week beginning 14th June 


Well, what a week it has been. The children in 2D were amazing and showed our 'special visitors' how we behave, play and learn at VPIS. I was so proud of them I could have burst!


We have been busy learning about the different roles that existed in castles in medieval times, we have been thinking about the life of a knight and we read a very special story called The Princess Knight, which really got the children thinking and talking.


In maths we have been looking at units of measure- the focus this week was temperature and volume. We did think carefully about what units we would use for different scenarios, so for example, I have been asking the children if I were to weigh myself what unit of measure would I use. Homework- help your child embed this  by discussing it at home, thinking about how we measure things and perhaps doing some practical activities to help, such as:


  • Weighing ingredients for baking/cooking (grams)
  • Setting a timed challenge (seconds/minutes/hours)
  • Looking at photos from past events (days/months/years)
  • Measuring height/weight in the family (kilograms)
  • Filling empty bottles and jugs (ml/litres)
  • Looking at how far away family live or how far you have travelled (metres/km)


We had a really fun session of handball on Friday afternoon to end our very busy week- what a great way to finish!


Note- we are on sandwiches this week

Week Beginning 7th June 


I hope you all had a lovely holiday. It was so good to be back on Monday and we got straight to work on our new topic-Castles, Dragons and Knights.


We have learnt about Motte and Bailey castle and Stone Keep castles; labelling diagrams of these.


In maths we have been practising telling the time and revised 3D shapes.


We have enjoyed P.E and our new sports equipment on our outdoor provision trolley!


I have not set any homework for this week, but if you could make sure your child has read their book, completed their comprehension and practised their spellings.

