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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week 1

Happy New Year

What a great start to 2023! Even though it has been a 4 day week, we have crammed a lot in!

We started our new topic "What a Wonderful World" by reading part of a fantastic book called Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers. We have started by having a look at space. The children were very interested in finding out about the planets and having a look on Google Earth to see from space all the way to our school. Over the coming weeks we will continue to read through the book. For one of our stories, the children enjoyed listening to a story called The Moon of Kyiv by Gianni Rodari. It was a great story that explained that no matter where we live, we all have the same moon and it can be seen wherever we are. This inspired some fantastic chalk pictures of the moon and moonbeams, just like the illustrations in the book. Pictures of the books are at the bottom.

In phonics we have learnt j and v this week.

Please can I remind you all to read the comments in your child's yellow reading record book as they will explain how you can help your child at home which in turn helps them progress with their sounds and reading  in school. When you have done so, please date and comment in the reading record book so we know how they have got on.

In maths we have been busy finding one less, understanding zero, and the composition of 5.

We have started a new circle time program called Think Equal. Our first story this week was Marvellous Me by Maya Romer. Ask your child if they can tell you about the story.

In PE this half term we have gymnastics on a Tuesday and continue to have dance on Thursday with Courtney. The children have impressed all coaches this week.

REMINDER PE is on Tuesday and Thursday this half term . Please send your child to school wearing their PE clothes on both days.

The medal winner this week is Deontay. He was absolutely fantastic in both gymnastics and dance. He certainly enjoys music and movement!

Miss Edwards and I have had a great first week back with the children!

I hope you all have a super weekend and enjoy looking through the photos.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x

