Good morning! How did Friday come around so quickly again?
A big well done shout out to you all. Children and grown-ups, you have all been brilliant this week and Miss Edwards and I have enjoyed looking at your fantastic pictures.
Continuing with our topic work, we are going to find out about the life cycle of a penguin. Watch and listen to the PowerPoint. After that I would like you to complete the life cycle activity attached. You do not have to print this out, you could look at the pictures together and ask your child to tell you which picture should be first, second etc.
Please can you make some flashcards. Cut small pieces of paper, then ask your child to write a digraph on each one – ai, ay, ee, or, oa, ow. Point to the digraphs to see if your child remembers them. Can they tell you a word for each of the digraphs?
Next, we are going to play a silly question game. Follow the link below to play Tell a T-Rex (Silly question) game. If your child is not up to learning the digraphs yet, please select cvc in the menu. You can help your child to blend the sounds to read the words in the silly questions. Good luck!
Watch the Numberblocks episode attached. It focuses on finding two numbers that add together to make ten. We call these ‘number bonds’.
If your child is working on numbers above ten, they could have a go at number bonds to 20. Watch the video attached
Today I would like you to complete a fine motor skills activity called Snowball Peg Pick up. You will need some paper to scrunch up into small snowballs, a peg and a tub/container to put the snowballs in. I wonder how many snowballs you can collect?
Instead of a story today, I have attached a video from the Epic online library. I hope you will enjoy it.
Grown-ups, if you have not already had a look, please do, as there are lots of different options, reading, videos, read together, audio books and it is free!
Grown-ups, Keep a check on your emails as I will be arranging another zoom catch up next week.
Miss Edwards and I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I will see you all on Monday! .
Take care
Mrs Spooner x