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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 3

Hello Reception 1 families,

Well it has been a short but busy week in reception.

We have been sorting books according to whether they are fiction or non-fiction, discovering facts about wolves and celebrating the King's coronation. In maths we have been adding more and taking away, in phonics we have learnt oa as in goat and short oo as in cook.

We have enjoyed writing our name correctly, colouring and making flags and pictures and also developing our ball skills with the fantastic coaches Sam & Steve from Manchester United.

Our medal winner this week is Salwa. She is a happy, helpful little girl who tries her best in all she does.

On Friday we took part in an amazing coronation party. It was great to see the children "dress to impress" or in red, white and blue and enjoy the dancing in the playground!

Miss Edwards and I hope you have a fantastic weekend. We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 9th May.

Please enjoy looking through the photos smiley

Take care

Mrs Spooner x

