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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Wednesday 3rd March

Good morning everybody! It is Wednesday and that means we are half way through our last week of home learning!

On Friday we are going to have a Rainbow Day. If you follow the link below grown-ups, it will explain everything to you and you will be able to get prepared.


Today we are going to find out about some different materials. You are going to investigate which material is waterproof. Which material will keep your teddy or toy dry when it is raining.

Before you begin the investigation, I would like you to look through the PowerPoint and discuss which materials and objects are waterproof or not.

Once you have completed the investigation, ask your child to write a few sentences explaining what they found out. Please encourage your child to form the letters correctly and they remember to use a finger space.

I have attached the link for the letter formation mat.


Look at the sound mats below. Point to different sounds from phase 2 and 3, and see if your child can tell you the correct sound.

Then, I would like you to play the Spooky Sounds game. You can choose which sounds to practise. You can come back and play this game anytime, choosing different sounds to practise.

Listen to the Tricky word Rap Phase 3 part 1 and see how many tricky words you can recognise.

The Tricky Words Song - Phase 3 Phonics (Part 1)!

These tricky words don't follow phase 3 phonics rules! Our new tricky words song for kids is here to help you learn all about common exception words with you...


Today we are going to be looking at length and comparing lengths.

Listen to the PowerPoint attached and join in with the activities.

Once you have done that I have attached a challenge if you would like to complete it.

Have a look around your home and see if there are any different objects that you could use to measure the length of objects

Well Being Wednesday

I hope you have a lovely afternoon enjoying some Well Being Wednesday activities. Follow the link to the choose your activities.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
