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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Autumn 2

Please see our Curriculum Update below for information about what we are learning this half term.

Tuesday 19th December

On behalf of the Year 1 Team I'd like to say a HUGE thank you for all your support this term, and for your lovely words, cards and gifts, they are very much appreciated and you are so kind. 

The children have worked incredibly hard and we are very proud of them. We have had a fantastic couple of days; we watched a pantomime on Monday (thank you PFTA!), enjoyed our class party (in the words of Evie, this was 'The best day EVER!') and we ended Tuesday with a fun singalong with the whole school in the hall. 

We hope you have an enjoyable break, and we will see you at 9am on Thursday 4th January 2024

Merry Christmas everybody, love from Mrs O'Connell x

Thursday 14th December

Thank you to all the adults who were able to come and watch our performances on Wednesday and Thursday. We think you will agree that the children were amazing! The children all enjoyed performing for you and loved the thrill of taking part in a live production😊.


In Maths we have been working with numbers within 20, finding one more or less than a number, comparing numbers and finding out how many tens and ones are in a number. There are some games in the Maths folder, if your child would like to continue to practise at home. In RE we have learnt about the story behind the Christian festival of Christmas.


Next week

On Monday it is Christmas pantomime and party day. The children can come to school dressed in their party clothes. Please remember that they will still be playing outside during the day, so please ensure that they have something warm to wear and have suitable shoes on their feet. We will provide the food and drink for the party, as well as prizes for the games we will play.

Many thanks for supporting us to do so many lovely things in school this year.

Tuesday 5th December

Just a quick note to say the PE coaches have finished their sessions for this term, so children don't need to come in their PE kits until they start again in January. 


Please also remember to bring in clothes for the children to wear for the play (see letters that went home on Thursday) in a named bag by FRIDAY at the latest please as we are starting dress rehearsals. 


Thank you! Mrs O'Connell x

Monday 4th December

We did it!! Here are our Santa Dash photographs. Thank you to all who have sponsored the children so far, they worked very hard and sang their hearts out singing Christmas songs along the way. laugh

Mrs O'Connell x

Wednesday 29th November

Can you believe it is almost December already? This term is flying by! 

This week we have been reading Owl Babies and have made our own stick puppets so we can act out the story. We have done some lovely writing to tell the baby owls to keep calm. smiley

For our History work, we have found old photographs of the school and looked at how the school has changed over time. We also spotted some of our teachers who work with us today! Can you spot Mrs Hart, Mrs Howarth, Mrs Al-Noah, and Mrs Gill? We have also looked at the work of Stretford artist Frances Lennon. Her work is displayed in a mural on the side of Stretford Mall - do have a look next time you go!

In Maths we have been representing numbers to 20 using ten frames, tens and ones and 10ps and 1ps. We have investigated why teen numbers have the digit '1' written first and looked at rows of 10 on the 100 square. We love the 'splat square'! Here is a link if you'd like to use it at home.

We have a busy few weeks coming up, here is the information from Mrs Walkden's email (sent on 7th November) containing the key dates!

We also have a letter about outfits for the play - look out for this in bookbags tomorrow. 

I hope to see you at the Christmas fair on Saturday. 

Mrs O'Connell x

Friday 24th November

Apologies for no update last week as we had some technical issues! We have had a fantastic couple of weeks in 1C. We enjoyed wearing odd socks for anti-bullying week and I have posted some photographs below. Thank you for all of the donations for Children in Need too. 

In Maths we have been learning to add and subtract using practical objects to help us such as pictures, 10 frames, number lines or cubes. We've also learnt to complete these calculations mentally by counting on or counting back. We have also been finding out about 2D and 3D shapes. There are some games in the maths folder if you would like to continue to practise at home. 


In PE we have been continuing our dance, gymnastics, and football lessons. I thought you'd like to see what we have been up to! The children have made huge improvements since September, well done 1C!

We have been looking at the history of our very own Victoria Park and we found out that it was opened over 120 years ago. We also talked about our school and found clues around the school that show its history. 

We enjoyed looking at Victoria Park and our school on a map from above and we used Google Earth to much excitement! 

The children have also been working hard to learn Christmas songs with Mrs Walkden for singing in the park for the fair on Saturday 2nd December. laugh


And finally please please ensure all your child's belongings are named (especially as the weather is getting colder and we are wrapping up with more layers). THANK YOU!


Mrs O'Connell x

Friday 10th November

What lovely, supportive parents we have! It was a pleasure to see you all at Parent's Evening. Thank you for all your hard work and support with the children, Miss Ryde and I love teaching them! laugh


This week, the children have enjoyed reading Peace at Last by Jill Murphy. We are working on writing sentences, and learning to use verbs and adjectives. 

Peace at Last

In Art this week we drew Eugene the Owl using the Draw with Rob Biddulph video. Here it is below if you would like to have another go at home.

#DrawWithRob 10 Eugene the Owl

Next week

We will start off anti-bullying week with 'Odd Socks Day' on Monday 13th November. Children can wear odd socks with their uniforms. This is a fun way to remind ourselves that being different is something to be proud of and that we should celebrate our individuality. 

On Friday 17th November it is Children in Need. Children can come into school wearing anything spotty!  









Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs O'Connell x

Monday 6th November

Two exciting updates! 

This week we will be completing the sports survey in class (please see the letter that was sent home last week). You can support the school by clicking on the link below and completing the survey at home; we get £10 towards sports equipment for every completed survey! Thank you in advance. 


Also in class, we will be taking part in a Christmas card competition for our MP Andrew Western. The winning design will appear on the front of the card, and designs by the 4 runners up and a selection of other entries will be printed inside the card. Please be aware that if a child's entry is chosen to appear on the card, then their design, name, age and school will be visible. Photos of the winning child receiving their prize will also appear on social media channels. I will only enter designs if you are happy for these details to be shared if they were to win- please let me know by Tuesday 7th November if you would not want your child's entry to be submitted. (As you can tell I have HIGH hopes for 1C's artistic talents and Christmas cheer!) smiley


I look forward to seeing you on Parent's Evening. 

Mrs O'Connell x 

Tuesday 31st October

Welcome back to school everyone! We hope you all had a restful break, and we are looking forward to another busy and fun half term! Thank you for your support for our Harvest celebration in school, the children worked very hard and did us all proud! 


Just to let you know that PE this half term will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the children can come to school in their PE kit on those days. Please don't forget that earrings need to be removed for PE days.


This week we are learning about bonfire night and using adjectives and onomatopoeia to write our own firework poems. We are also learning how to stay safe around this time of year. Fireman Sam has made safety videos, you can find them by clicking on the video below if you'd like to reinforce this at home. 

This week in Maths, we are practising addition, and learning number pairs to 10. To support your child's learning, we highly recommend the White Rose Maths 1 minute app, it is free to download!

Mrs O'Connell x
