Welcome back reception 1 families!
I hope you have all had a nice half term.
Continuing with our topic What a Wonderful World, this week we have focussed on jungle animals. The children have enjoyed listening to some funny stories and finding out facts of different animals.
In phonics the children have learnt 'th' as in thumb and even made the sound with the playdough. Your children are becoming more secure with their sound knowledge and are able to sort according to sound. This is helped by you practising at home daily. Thank you for your continued support with this.
In maths we have touched on time and learnt the days of the week in order. The children were also able to match pairs using shells and developed their knowledge of 9 and 10.
The children have been painting animals from some of our stories and have thoroughly enjoyed creating with our loose parts - especially the wooden blocks. They are very creative and imaginative!
We have started Drawing Club this week with the story The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The children have made a really good start with this.
Miss Edwards and I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy looking through some photos from this week.
Take care
Mrs Spooner x