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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Spring 1

Week beginning 31.1.21


We have had a really fun week in class, which started with a fact hunt around the classroom. The children had to find as many facts about Antarctica as possible and they create their own factfile.


In our drama session we began to learn about the expedition that Ernest Shackleton went on and what happened to the ship "Endurance" during this voyage. The children worked in groups to create small scenes as if they were Ernest himself, and members of the crew.


In science we have been investigating how polar bears survive in the Arctic. We took part in experiment that investigated how blubber/fat keeps this animal warm in such a cold climate.


Week beginning 24th January


What a busy week! The children have been continuing to work extremely hard this week. We have started our new book 'Antarctica' by Sue Cowcher. The children consolidated their work on expanded noun phrases using the illustrations from the book. We then moved onto writing instructions and identifying the use of imperative/bossy verbs. We started by watch a very funny video of what happens when you don't set out clear instructions(I have put this on for you to watch with your child-they thought it was very funny!). We then made our own hot chocolates, which we wrote instructions for later that day.



Check out the "exact instructions challenge" that will definitely make you laugh!This hilarious video has emerged of two kids trying to write exact instructi...

In maths we have been concentrating on vertical addition and subtraction. The children had to create their own sums by picking out two numbers from the shuffled cards. We have also moved onto word problems involving these operations.      


In science we have been learning about the food chain of a polar bear. The loved making their own paper chains and then attaching the pictures in the correct order from producer to top/apex predator. In geography we have been looking at maps and the use of a key. The children created their own maps and keys in the session. 


Week beginning 17th January 


This week we have continued to work on The Snow Queen. The children have been creating their own stories based on this traditional tale. They created their own characters to replace the Snow Queen. We planned our stories and added our own ideas.


We have been working very hard to extend our sentences by adding expanded noun phrases(adjectives), including more information and using adverbs. We have also been working extremely hard with our handwriting- putting letters in the correct position on the line and starting our letters in the correct place. Please, please, please can I ask you that if your child does writing at home that they really focus on this. If you need any further support with this please do not hesitate to get in touch.


In maths we have been  adding and taking away 10 and rounding to the nearest 10. We used a little rhyme to help us...


5-9 we go up the vine (we round to the bigger 10)

0-4 drop to the floor  (we round to the lower 10)


So 56 is rounded to 60 and 32 is rounded down to 30.


In P.E we have been using our basketball skills and in geography we are starting to investigate a warmer climate.

Week beginning 10th January 2022


Welcome back and happy new year! I hope you had a lovely break! It is so fantastic to see the children back in school- it has been great to hear holiday news and see their lovely faces.


Our topic this half-term is "Oh What a Wonderful World", where we will be learning about hot and cold places in the world. We have lots of lovely activities planned and we are kicking off our half-term with a competition from Mrs Hart. Please see the attached letter below.


This week we have been focusing our English work on the story The Snow Queen. We have continued with our phonics, which will shortly be coming to the end of the scheme. Some children will continue to practise their phonics and will still be involved in detailed phonics sessions. 


In maths we have been working on place value and positioning numbers on a blank numberline. We have also completed work on tally charts and odd/even numbers. 


In geography we labelled the continents, the equator, the  north and south pole and the oceans. In P.E we have been focusing on ball skills and control, and Mr Shingler began his 'Quidditch' sessions with the children- it was lots of fun!


Mrs Hart's Letter


Dear Parents,

Your child has been investigating materials and their properties in school.   We talked about  what houses might be like if they were built using unusual materials.

We would like to organise a competition.   The idea is for your child to  create a model house made from either paper, plastic, metal or fabric.  The internet has images of houses made from these materials, but ideally the children should investigate and problem solve themselves.

The closing date for entries is 7th February.  This gives you a little time to collect resources and discuss designs.   Small prizes will be awarded for the most original and inventive models which have not had a lot of parental help.

We hope your child will enjoy this activity. 

Best wishes


Mrs Hart
