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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 3 week beginning 27th June

Hello everybody.

Well that is another week that has whizzed by.

This week we have been finding out about different animals. The children have discovered some amazing facts about animals and talked in detail about what their favourite is. Miss Edwards and I were impressed by the facts that the children already knew about some of the animals and the language they used to describe them. 

Next week we will be thinking about what animal we would like to be and grouping the different types of animals.

In PE the children enjoyed learning some cricket skills with Mr Shingler and impressed Sam and Steve with their ball skills.

Our medal winner this week is Simi who is always a happy, chatty little girl. Well done Simi!


Important information for next week.

* Tuesday will be our sports day in the morning. Please read Mrs Walkden's attached letter about all the details for sports day.

* Friday 8th July is an INSET day so the children will not be in school.


Please can you pass this information on to any parents who may not check the webpage. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Enjoy having a look through the photos

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
