Welcome to the Reception Literacy Page
It's time for a lovely story...
- Did you enjoy the story?
- How did it make you feel?
- Did it make you think about your friends?
- Did it make you think about friends that you haven't seen in a while?
This week, with the help of this beautiful story, we are going to take some time to think about friendship, just how special and important friends are and the things that we need to consider in order to be a good friend.
Share this Powerpoint. It will help you to think and to talk about friendship.
- You may have thought about a friend and love to get in touch with them!
- Maybe it is someone that you are looking forward to seeing when you go back to school in September?
- Maybe they do not live close by?
- Maybe they live on your street?
Who ever it may be...
Why not write them a letter?!
Things that you need to do when writing someone a letter...
- Decide who you are sending it to
- Their name will go after 'Dear'
- Start by asking them how they are
- Think about some of the things that you would like to tell them
- Think of some things that you would like to ask them
- Think about telling them that you miss them
- Think about making them laugh
- Ask them to write back
- Sign the letter at the end after 'Yours sincerely' or 'From'
- You may like to put your address at the top right hand side so that they know where to write back to
- Make sure you do your most beautiful handwriting
- Carefully use your phonics to spell words
- Remember finger spaces
- Use a '?' question mark if your ask them a question
- Use an '!' exclamation mark if you want to express yourself - perhaps with some exciting news
- Normal sentences need a full stop
- Sentences start with a capital letter
- Your grown ups will need to helps you to get an address or to deliver it safely
Here are some letter writing templates but any piece of paper will do fine!