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Week beginning 8th June 2020

There is quite a lot of information and ideas here - so as always, pick and choose your favourite bits!          

Our World 

  • What is a continent?
  • How many are there and what are they called?

Here are some websites that will help you and some tasks to test your knowledge. There is also a fun song that may help you remember the continent names. ​​​​​​​

Seven Continents Song

We would like you to find out more about the continent of Africa.

Can you find out about the different landscapes of Africa? There are deserts, grasslands, jungles and mountains. Here are some videos you might like to view.


Then we would like you to zoom in on Kenya.

  • What can you find out about Kenya?
  • What are the names of its famous lakes and mountains?

Here is some useful information. You could write down some of the information that you find and draw some pictures too!

Introducing Kenya

This is a video for people who are planning on visiting Kenya..

Why don't you try and make your own animal from Africa? Here are some ideas to get you started.

Or paint your own African inspired sunset with the silhouettes of the animals.

Music and dance

Have a go at learning this song from Africa. It's called Che Che Koolay and it is one that we often learn in school. It is good fun to play along with instruments. You could have a go at making your own instruments with things you can find at home. Maybe you could make a maraca using a plastic bottle filled with rice or lentils. Lots of things can be used like a drum to tap out a beat. It is a song with an echo - one person sings and another repeats. Get someone to join in with you and have fun!


Learn some African dance moves and make it part of your daily exercise! There are lots of clips available on Youtube for you to enjoy. This is a good one for beginners. Why don't you get your family involved as well!

Learn African Dance Moves For Beginners | African Dance Tutorial
