Yo Ho Ho Me Hearties!
We have been learning about pirates this week! The children have been fascinated by the history of piracy. We have had so much fun! Brilliant pirate themed stories have been shared, treasure maps have been made, pirate hats have been made and also pirate hooks!
We tore and covered our Treasure maps with coffee to make them look old and real!
We added details to our maps, including 'X marks the spot of course!'
We listened to and followed instructions for how to make a paper pirate's hat
We created pirate hooks!
Watch Out! Cheeky pirates are on the rampage!
*******Important Notice!*******
Please look at your emails at all recent correspondence regarding Tuesday's trip to Blue Planet. Please urge parents in class Whatsapp groups to do the same. Thank you
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Mrs Cook xxxx