Hello Reception 2 Families
It has been good to be back this week
We have had a busy week and the children are as enthusiastic as ever to soak up all of the learning that has come their way. We have been scientists this week and have been finding out about the day time and the night time, what we see in the night compared to the day and the different things we do in the day and at night. We have also learnt about light sources. We have some brilliant class discussions, the children love to ask and answer and ask questions and they bring such a wealth of knowledge to our chats. The children loved the story The Owl that was Afraid of the Dark. It brought up a great chat about how we feel about the dark, most of the children were not afraid at all!
In maths we have explored the numbers 4 and 5. We have discussed the different ways of making these numbers, we call these number facts or bonds. the children have begun some early calculation work and have been learning how we find 1 more and 1 less on a number line.
Phonics is going so well. The children are building their repetoire of phonemes (sounds) and graphemes (letters) they can use in their emerging reading and writing. Our focus phonemes have been h as in hat and b as in bone.
The children did some gymnastics with Mr Shingler this week and their listening skills blew him away! They followed instructions and followed sequences.
Aizah is R2's medal winner this week. She is a hard worker, she listens beautifully and she is kind, gentle and friendly with everyone. Well done Aizah!
Stanley won the homework draw this week, well done for trying hard with your phonics at home.
Next week in maths we will learn about shapes with 4 sides and about positional language. Our phonemes are f and ff. Our topic work is finding out about Advent and what it means and about the Jewish festival of Hannukah.
I am looking forward to meeting you all at Parent's Evening on Monday and Tuesday. You will find this week's homework via the homework icon.
Here are some pics of your super busy bees in action! Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mrs Cook