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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Summer 2


Happy end of term! I just wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you so much for the wonderful gifts I have received from you all. It is very much appreciated. 2L have been an absolute pleasure to teach and I will miss them all. I look forward to seeing them on my visits to the juniors in future. I have added some photographs from the end of year disco for you to enjoy. Good luck and thanks again!

Mr Logan


A quick update with some photographs and video of the class assembly. The assembly in particular was a great success - we watched it as a whole class and all of the children were very proud and desperate to share it!

The whole class also enjoyed sports day and participated enthusiastically!

2L Class Assembly


This week we all had a great time visiting Lytham St Annes. The rain stopped for us to enjoy ice creams, play parks, train rides and games on the beach and every member of the class was a great representative of Victoria Park Infants. Please enjoy the slideshow below for more detail!

The class produced excellent detailed recounts of the trip as well as continuing their hard work in maths and topic.

The spellings for next week are: be bee quite quiet bare bear one won son sun 

A reminder that school will be closed on Wednesday and Friday next week.


Mr Logan



This week in 2L we have been writing stories about dragons and knights, using money in Maths, closely studying leaves in Science and continuing our castle topic. Excellent work has been produced in all of these areas this week!

Next week we have some important events. On Monday the class will be meeting their new teacher for the first time when they come to pay us a visit in class. Then on Tuesday we have our trip to the beach. Children should still wear their school t-shirt or jumper for the trip but can wear shorts and trainers that they would wear for PE if they wish.

I have provided spellings for next week but have not stuck them into spelling books as many children had no room left in their spelling books. The spellings are: there, their, they're, here, hear, see, sea, to, too, two. 


Mr Logan

It has been a busy and warm return for 2L this week! The class has produced some great writing about both the storms we had earlier in the week and the adventures they had during their recent holidays. The class spent time during Maths deepening their knowledge of money and coins and understanding change. Our topic this half term will be Castles and to introduce the topic the children looked at castles in the UK and features of castles. In ICT we started to work on simple coding. 

I have reintroduced the weekly homework sheets and from next week will be providing weekly spellings again. 

This afternoon we began to look at pointillism and the techniques involved and for a first attempt the whole class produced some amazing artwork!

Have a good weekend, 

Mr Logan

