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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week 5

Hello Reception 1 families. This has been another busy week full of learning, sharing and celebrating! Continuing with our topic, we have enjoyed the stories of The Little Red Hen and Hansel and Gretel. The children talked in great detail about how the animals in the story were not very kind to the hen as they would not help her gather ingredients and bake the bread. We talked about how it is kind to help people and share what we have. The children followed instructions on how to make toast. They buttered and ate their own toast - the classroom smelt lovely and the toast was yummy!!

Making toast helped the children understand that by adding heat to the bread it changed the texture, colour and feel of the bread. A fun way to understand a science concept.

The Muslim children in our class have helped us to understand how they mark the end of Ramadan with celebrating the festival of Eid. We have listened to the children talking about how they plan to celebrate with their family and friends, made Eid cards, tasted some yummy sweets and listened to a lovely story called Hassan and Aneesa Celebrate Eid, which Muhammad Yusuf brought to school to share with us. The children were all very lucky to receive an Eid treat bag from Muhammad Yusuf and his family.



After listening to the story of Hansel and Gretel, the children built a sweet house outside, using the crates and decorating large sheets of paper with pictures of sweets to stick to the front of the house. We have continued to practise our phonics and apply those skills to our reading and writing. The children have shown us how they can share resources, listen to each others ideas when creating models and playing games, and Miss Edwards and I have really seen how imaginative the children can be this week. They all have fantastic ideas to share with their friends.

Miss Edwards and I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy looking at the pictures below.

See you all on Monday

Mrs Spooner x
