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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Autumn 1

Week beginning 18th October 


The children have been busy this week creating acrostic poems about Harvest and Autumn. We had some beautiful work and a few lines that made me giggle!


In maths we have been making amounts using different coin combinations and recapping number bonds to 10/20.


All children have been sent homework linked to their phonics- please complete and have fun! I have also set some maths games on Ed City for you to complete. Have a lovely holiday and a well-deserved rest!


Mrs Dempsey x



Harvest Song

Watch 2D sing 'What a Whopper!'

Week beginning 11th October 2021


This week we have been doing number bonds to 10/20 and 100! The children enjoyed playing Hit the Button to consolidate this further.


We have loved the story Eliot Midnight Superhero. We created story mountains and story maps-which the children loved! (An example of a story map below)


The children also created their own, alternative story endings, which were brilliant!

In science we have been looking at what humans need to survive and how to keep healthy. The children completed a diary entry to record all the things they do in one day to keep healthy, such as brush their teeth, drink lots of water, take part in P.E and get plenty of sleep. This was also an opportunity to talk about keeping our minds healthy by not being on screens too much, enjoying nature, practising mindfulness and talking to others about how we are feeling.


Homework-Please focus on your phonics homework and reading. It is really important that you sign your child's reading record, even an initial to say they've read their phonics and sharing book is fine. I will not be able to change books unless the record has been signed. 

Have a go at Go Noodle for some healthy lifestyle activities-here is our favourite!

Week beginning 4th October


This week we have been enjoying the book 'Super Daisy' by Nick Sharratt. We have been practising our sentence writing and we really enjoyed making our own superhero posters using onomatopoeia, where the words represent sounds like below-


In maths we have been practising doubling and halving numbers. We have also been identifying halves of shapes and beginning to use language linked to fractions. We have also been learning/practising our 2s, 5s and 10 times tables.


In history we learnt about Edith Carvell and why she is such a significant person from the past. The children enjoyed sequencing pictures of events that had happened in her life.


In Geography we are starting to learn about the seven continents- we did this by listening to a song, creating our own continent jigsaws and labelling maps.


Homework- Thank you for all the phonics homework that has been sent in. Please continue to do this as it is helping your child make great progress. This week I would like you to practise the doubling and halving game on Hit the Button- the link is below.


Finally...We work so hard in Year 2 but we also have lots of time to relax. We try and squeeze in some Yoga when we get a chance.



Week beginning 27th September


The weeks are whizzing by! This week we have been busy with our new book 'Traction Meets Turbo Dog'. We have been exploring the use of questions and then using this sentence type to write in speech bubbles.


In maths we have been continuing with ten more and ten less. We have also revisited the names and some of the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.


In science we investigated things that were alive, dead or never been alive. The snake skin was very interesting!


We have been designing our own superhero capes, which we will be making later in the term.


The children also get lots of opportunities to play within the provision- which is so valuable in their learning. We have a lovely reading area, construction area, small world play and creative area.


I would just like to remind you of a few things-

All items of clothing must be named. I have a small collection of jumpers/cardigans which no one is claiming and they do not have names on. Please let me know if you think it is yours.


Homework is handed out every Thursday and must be returned on a Thursday. I will collect the work in and mark it, returning it to the folders when I have finished. It is so important that you get into the routine of doing homework in Year Two, if you need any support please speak to me.


All reading should be logged in your child's reading record. This includes the phonics books that are being sent home. Please encourage your child to explore the words and the illustrations in the text, along with showing you some amazing decoding skills!

I will not change books unless a parent has commented that they have read. 


The phonics and reading folder needs to come into school everyday. Your child does not have a set day for reading, so we need to have their books in school so we can do this on any day of the week.


Finally, thank you for giving me such a lovely, caring, kind class! 


I know you have been given lots of information over the last few weeks about routines and expectations, so if you need any further help I can always be contacted through the office or email 


Mrs Dempsey







Week beginning 20th September


Reminder- Homework from last week is on Education City. please login and complete. A big well done to the children that have done this already!!!


This week we have been really busy with our phonics, learning about alternative sounds for ai and ee, spelling words with these graphemes(the written sound) in and learning new vocabulary with them in as well. Your child will have come home with their sounds sheet(please see the letter below that further explains this). They have also all been given a sounds book and a book to share. Just to remind you that the sounds book is very important- it consolidates the sounds learnt in class and the sounds that your child needs to learn to be able to decode fluently.


We have been doing English work based on Traction Man, writing sentences about our favourite parts and describing his super hero outfits!


In maths we have been looking at odd and even numbers- the children worked hard to sort my big jumble of numbers into the right category!

We have also had lots of fun taking part in Go Noodle sessions(see pictures below).















It is library on a Thursday. If your child has finished their book they can bring it into school to exchange it for a new one-please feel free to keep it for another week, if they have not finished enjoying the text.

Week beginning 13th September


Firstly, I would just like to say what a wonderful week we have had. The children have adapted to all the new routines in class and their behaviour had been amazing this week- keep it up 2D!


In maths we have been continuing with place value, looking at greater and less than. In English we have been writing creative sentences about our own vegetable/fruit inspired superheroes!


In history we have begun to learn about Florence Nightingale and discovered that her nickname was 'Lady of the Lamp'.


Your child should have come home with their phonics/reading folder yesterday. Inside you will find a book to share. Please support your child when reading this and write comments in the reading record to tell me how brilliantly they did with this. We will distribute phonics books next week, which, as explained in the reading record, your child should not need any help with. Your child will also come home with a phonics homework sheet to complete from next week. This is something we have done in school but is to be repeated at home to give your child extra practise and boost their confidence- your child should be able to do this independently but support them with the correct letter formation, listen to them read the words and talk about their definitions. You will also find an alphabetic code poster in your folder- this is a really useful tool to use with your child to recognise how some sounds can be made in different ways. 


If you are accessing Oxford Owl you will need to set up your own login on the parent login. I have also set an activity on Education City to further practise place value at home. If you have any problems logging in, again, let me know.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to me.


Have a lovely weekend!smiley


Mrs Dempsey

Week beginning 6th September 2021


This week we have been busy in maths learning about the value of numbers and representing them. In English we have been writing about things we did in the holidays- the children could write about things they really did or things that didn't really happen but sound amazing- like visiting Chocolate Land and eating chocolate all day!


In art we are continuing to paint our self-portraits, which is a great opportunity to explore the amazing and unique differences we have as a class. Mrs Hart has begun to take children to take part in small group science sessions with her.


P.E will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday-please send your child to school in suitable shorts/leggings/joggers, a white t shirt, trainers and their school jumper on. Long hair must be tied up. If children have shoes/trainers with laces please practise doing them at home.


Your child will be coming home with a reading book at the end of the week (please see letter below if you have not read it already) and homework will start the following week. This will vary from phonics, English or maths. I often set work on Education City, so if you have forgotten your login please get in touch.


Phonics and Early Reading Letter



Welcome to Year 2! I am so happy to have such wonderful, enthusiastic children. I was very impressed with their maturity and how quickly they settled into class, after such a long holiday.


On Thursday we took our time getting to know each other- I loved reading their 'mind maps' all about themselves and in maths they told me about their favourite number, which number house/flat they live at and how many brothers/sisters they have.


On Friday Miss Ryde completed work connected to the book The Colour Monster, which gave the children an opportunity to explore their feelings. 


Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing those smiley faces again on Monday!


Mrs Dempsey x





