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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

story corner

Mrs Dempsey reads The Owl and the Pussycat poem

Mrs Howarth read Hairy Maclary

Miss Myles finishes George's Marvellous Medicine

Part 5

Miss Myles reads part four of George's Marvellous Medicine

Miss Myles part three

Mrs Daniels reads a cute story about a polar bear.

Miss Myles part two

The Last Polar Bears

Miss Myles reads George's Marvellous Medicine-part 1

Mrs Howarth finishes reading Fantastic Mr Fox

Mrs Dempsey reads Snowflake

Mrs Howarth continues to read Fantastic Mr Fox

We love reading in 2D: fiction, non-fiction, poetry. Even though you are at home we don't want you to miss out on this.


Please keep an eye on this section as it will be updated with new videos to watch. 

Miss Myles has started us off with the epic tale of Stick Man.

My Movie 27
