Holiday homework
Please find some extra reading books in your child’s wallet. Please talk about the stories or non fiction books your child is reading and ask questions about what is happening.
There are several maths sheets clipped together we have been working hard on our mental maths skills and calculating sums with missing numbers in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
There is also a mixed question booklet with lots of different types of maths questions.
Many parents ask how they can help preparing for SATS and the best way is to keep your child doing a little bit often. Bitesized chunks are best and the app
free to download from white rose one minute maths has fantastic games for the children to play and learn.
I’ve enclosed a couple of short but quite tricky comprehensions with the answers.
Homework set 1/4/2022
This week revision spellings were given following the assessments I shared with you on parent’s evening. Your child should know these words as we have been practising them every day in school for the past week. We will have a revision test on Monday our usual spelling day.
To complement the work on our revision spellings there their where were etc we have been looking at homophones (words that sound the same but are spelt differently) this has been completed to help the children differentiate between the words and help them spell and use them correctly.
You will find a couple of sheets with the answers included in the pack of sheets sent tonight.
As SATS is approaching I’ve enclosed a couple of comprehensions for the children to complete instead of a couple of their usual reading turns. These are bite sized and should only take 5/10 minutes each.
For our maths homework there are two missing number maths sheets with approximately 8 questions each. This work follows on from the work at school and again should be a bitesized task that should be done mentally!
Please complete the spelling homework for Monday and the comprehension homework and maths for Friday as usual.
I haven’t set any spelling homework this week as I will be sharing the latest individual spelling assessments with you at parents evening and will discuss targets for spelling.
In maths please continue to secure 1/4 past and 1/4 to times and practice doubles and halves of numbers to 100.
Homework for 14/3/22
As we are preparing the children for the SATS assessments in May/June we have been practising maths papers similar to the ones that they will have for paper 1. This is a calculation booklet and the children need to read the signs carefully. Please check that your child can read +-x and divide signs and know what they mean. Fractions are also common in the booklet and 1/2 1/4 1/3 and 3/4 of numbers are often asked.
Please encourage the children to draw pictures to help them with answering the questions accurately.
The area which we are still to cover is more difficult subtractions which involve exchange
We have completed a spelling assessment and have recalled the year 1 and 2 words. I’ve sent a copy of the ones that are incorrectly spelt so that they can be revised at home. It was often only a one or a couple of letters astray but it’s essential that these are secured before year 3.
No sentences this week please concentrate on re learning these. It’s very helpful to not only get the children to write down the word but also to say the letters. This can be done anywhere.
I will be re testing these unknown words over the next couple of weeks. Each child will be working individually on this.
Homework for 7/3/22
Please complete the clocks work. The children are expected to know o’clock half past and the quarter to and Quarter past times to achieve national standard in mathematics.
We have been working hard to remember that o’clock is :00 and that :30, :15 and :45 are all known times.
Please look at clocks at home and for the children who have mastered these items please practice telling the time in minutes past.
Homework for 28/2
Please complete the spellings in the spelling homework book. Remember to write sentences with capital letters and full stops sitting the letters on the line. For maths please complete the worksheets.
Holiday Homework for 21/2/22
Please follow the instructions on the reading comprehension booklets and the maths booklet.
The children having been completing sample SATS booklets so we have focused on areas that need a little more attention.
Please complete as much as you can of the reading comprehensions as practice makes perfect.
For 7/2/22
This week I have been assessing the children’s knowledge of counting, 2D and 3D shapes and time. I have given the children individual targets for maths homework all of this weeks’ maths
homework is practical.
Please continue with the spellings in your children’s books. They are all doing really well and on their way to securing all their key word spellings for Year 1/2.
Keep up the good work all!
For 31/1
I have asked the children to do a quiz for their spellings this weekend. Please ask the children to try all the spellings and colour in the ones they get correct straight away. All the spellings have been practised at home and school over the last term so it will be great to see how many we can recall.
Please learn a few of those you need to practice further.
In maths I have sent similar sheets to those we have completed in class and the children are grasping the concept of vertical addition well. You might find that your child become a little muddled at times but don’t worry this is all part of the process of a new tricky concept of exchanging and carrying. Don’t worry if your child finds it a bit tricky just pop a note on the work and we will go through any queries early in the week.
Holiday Homework for January
As it’s the Christmas holidays we know you will be very busy but have provided some homework that you may find useful after Christmas. The homework is flexible and you can do as much or as little as you like. Please try and keep up the reading over the holidays and most children are starting to enjoy reading to themselves.
1 You may have noticed that I have added a list of words in your child’s spelling book. These will not be tested but are words that your child has spelt incorrectly in individual writing recently. It will be beneficial to learn some or if you want to all of these.
2 I have assessed the children’s counting and multiplication knowledge this week and have set mental maths targets for January. This mental maths can be done anywhere in the house the car or even on a walk. The more fluent the children are at counting the easier they find the maths especially multiplication and division. You will see a homework communication book and a times tables booklet which you might find useful for practising x
I’m so impressed with the counting of class 2F and the multiplication tables are coming on great!
I have also put a few maths sheets in a maths homework book that won’t be due in until January 7th. These are sheets which your child should enjoy completing and showing off their maths skills.
3 Reading books have been provided but only complete these if you would like to. Some parents have asked for a couple of extra books. I’m sure many children will have new books or annuals so please spend time enjoying these.
Homework for 13/12
1 Please complete the clocks revision sheets o’clock and half past. Please practice telling the time on real clocks at home both analogue and digital. If your child can do quarter to and past times and minutes time please try looking at these too.
2 Please complete the two comprehension sheets. Enjoy working together to spot the answers in the texts.
3 Please continue to learn your key word spellings.
Amazing homework last week!!
Homework for 6/12
1 Spellings
2 Phonic sheets for book 33
Please use the phonic book to find extra words and write them on the sheet.
3 Carry on with your counting.
Homework for 30/11
1 Learn spellings and write 3 sentences.
2 Complete phonics sheets by 1/12
3 Continue to learn counting patterns 5’s to 60
2’s to 24
10’s to 120
3’s to 36
4’s to 48
Please learn these slowly and build up every day by adding another number in the sequence you are learning.
Homework 19/11/21
This week's homework jobs are:
1 Spellings set on 15/11 for 22/11 (rewards are for those who return on Mondays)
Please try and extend your sentences by using the word 'because.'
Please try and remember your spelling book on Monday we try and test all 30 children and this day is set aside for testing.
2 Maths games on Education City (we have data to see who is playing each game)
Choose one or if you would like to more than one game on the list.
Passwords have now been stuck inside your child's reading record.
3 Reading (at least 3 sign ins)
Well done on last week's completed homework jobs. The fluency and word attack of the children's reading is improving and that's fantastic! The team effort and practise is key to this! Well done to our superstar readers!
Please read and sign every time you hear your child read. This may be the phonics book or their book to share. Many children are enjoying their increased fluency and can now read some on their own too.
This week's homework jobs are:
1 Reading and exploring our phonic book 32 and completing the 2 sheets for book 32. Date to be returned Monday 15/11/21
2 Spelling book to be returned on 15/11/21. New spellings will be given every Monday/Tuesday after the tests.
3 Education city games please choose and enjoy one of the multiplication games for Monday 15/11/21.