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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

Mrs Spooner Reception 1

Please can you check your emails. I have sent an email to each parent explaining when the visits are in September and when transition will begin into school.

Mrs Spooner - Reception 1

Hello there to all our new Reception One families!

We would like to offer a warm welcome to you all. We are very much looking forward to meeting you soon. It has been lovely getting to chat with you this week.smiley 

As part of our welcome to Victoria Park Infant School, we always hold a New Parent's Meeting which tells you a little bit about us. As we cannot do it face-to-face this year, we have included the presentation below for you to look at.

As September gets closer and closer, we would like to remind you to keep an eye on this page. We will be uploading essential information to keep you informed about starting school. We will also put our induction pack on here which will contain key points and guidance. This week we are excited to announce, that we will be posting a video from myself and Miss Edwards (R1’s teaching assistant) just to say ‘hello’ to the children.

As always, please do not hesitate to ring or email the school office with any questions you may have.


Best wishes

Mrs Spooner smiley

Mrs Spooner's video for Reception 1
