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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

Week 3 week beginning 9th May

Hello Reception 1 families,

What a lovely, busy week we have had!

We have been lucky enough to have nice weather for most of the week which has enabled the children to have lots of outdoor play. The children are very imaginative in their play and they have some fantastic play ideas. 

This week we enjoyed looking at a fantastic book about the life cycle of plants.

The children enjoyed finding out about the plant life cycle and how many different plants grow. We have look closely at the parts of a plant and cut and sticking the parts of a plant together correctly and completed a collage picture of a sunflower. The children now have a good knowledge of what a plant needs to help it grow. Our sunflower seeds have continued to thrive and grow, so hopefully, the children will be able to transfer them into our outdoor planters next week to watch them continue to grow. The cress caterpillar are also beginning to grow.

Maths this week has been continuing to develop a deeper understanding of numbers beyond 20 and matching shapes. The children have taken part in many practical activities involving shapes.

In phonics we have introduced 'oa' as in goat and the short 'oo' as in cook. The children are doing a great job of applying their phonic knowledge in their writing and spelling. Please continue to practise this at home.

As always, the children were fantastic for the PE coaches this week and we can see developments in their ball skills and control.

R1's medal winner this week is Zaynah. She has been working very hard learning her sounds at home and school. Zaynah is always smiling and is a lovely friend.

Next week we will be looking at which parts of a plant are edible.


Hopefully, we will continue to have lovely weather next week. Please can I remind you to send your child to school with a water bottle each day and if the sun continues to shine, please apply sun cream to your child before school and send a sun hat with them.


Miss Edwards and I have had a super week with your children. I hope you enjoy the lovely weather this weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday. Have a look at the photos attached.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x

