Watch the video below to see this week's activities.
Our spellings this week link with our SPAG activity-
Can you put these adjectives into sentences?
Tricky Words from phase 4 and 5-
This week, as well as your common exception words, I would like you to practise spelling the following words. In school we talked about how 'le' is the most common way to end a word with the 'l' sound. However there words that have el, l and ll at the end too. Can you include them in a sentence? Try writing it down or saying them aloud.
Good luck!
This week I would like you to access Phonics Play and explore how we spell past tense words, and learn about some of the rules we use. It is quite tricky but have a really good go! Don't forget what a vowel is and what letters are called consonants. Click on the song below if you have forgotten and listen to our vowel song.
Now play!
You may log in with the following details:
username: jan21
password: home
The spellings this week link with the past tense, which hopefully you have listened to on the video below.
Sometimes writing verbs(doing words) in the past tense can be tricky! We know they mostly end in 'ed' but sometimes they don't.
There are lots of words that try and catch us out. Here are some of them and they've been mixed with some nice straightforward ones too! Practise spelling these in your yellow books.
We have some new spellings for this week that I would like you to practise. I would still like you to continue with your spellings that I have already uploaded and this should be part of your daily routine(if possible).
There are some tricky ones in there, so just have a good go!
Keep practising your common exception words! Here is a list of them below. I have included Year 1,2 and Year 3/4. You will be able to see where your child is if you refer back to your spellings set by Mrs Walkden and spot them on one of the downloaded sheets.
You only need to practise a few at a time.