Good morning campers! I hope that you have had a smashin weekend full of smiles
Welcome to a new week of Home Learning! Let's get started!
Monday's Topic Work
So what are we getting up to this week?, Mrs Cook will introduce you in this short video...
The animals that live in the North Pole or Arctic are not the same to those in the South Pole or the Antarctic. Can you remember what you found out in the fact book that you have just enjoyed? Can you remember which animals live in the South Pole and which live in the North Pole? Brilliant?
This is a cut, sort and paste activity where you decide which animals live where. If you have a printer then the link to print it out is below or you could just have a discussion and sort them verbally.
Monday's Literacy Work
Share this lovely e-book story The Run Away Ice berg to find out even more about Antarctica...
Tell your grown ups 3 interesting facts that you have discovered today about Antarctica...
Your child can jut talk about the facts, you can scribe them or your child can write them down. There is a link to themed paper to record on but a piece of paper will do!
Monday's Phonics Work
Recap on all of the Jolly Phonics songs and actions...
Play Buried Treasure. In this game the children need to segment and blend the phonemes in each word and decide if it is a real or a nonsense word.
Monday's Maths Work
Warm up those maths brains!
Can you do 20 star jumps?
Can you write these numbers from memory when your grownup says them to you: 5, 8, 2, 10, 9, 12, 15, 3, 18
Can you find 3 things that are square shaped in your house?
Can you say one more and one less of these numbers: 3, 7, 4, 9, 11, 13, 17
Can you put these numbers in the right order: 4, 2, 6, 9, 1, 7, 0
Practise forming numbers 0-9 correctly and recalling them from memory. Do it on plain paper or the work sheet link is below the picture
Can you order the numbers on the penguin's tummies?
Monday's Physical Challenge
Ready for a Spiderman keep fit lesson?! Let's go!
Can you cut out and put the poor penguin back together again?!
Well done Reception 2! See you tomorrow!
Here is the next chapter of our story My Father's Dragon...
Mrs Cook x