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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Summer 1

Below is our curriculum update with more information about what we are learning this half term.

Week beginning 23rd May 2022



On Tuesday we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with our very own street party in the playground. We danced, enjoyed lots of treats and ate ice-cream in the sunshine. We had lots of fun!

As you may have already seen there are lots of exciting upcoming events in the last half term. The letter below explains it all.

Over the holidays, please finish your reading books ready for the first week back. When the children return after the holidays, they will be completing the National Phonics Screening Check. This activity involves recognising sounds in words and reading them. This is similar to the classwork and homework the children have been doing all year. More information can be found on our phonics and early reading page. If your child would like additional practise with their phonics during the holidays they can complete the activities under the phonic games tab above.

Finally, just like the last holiday, we have retained the spelling books so we can update them and will give them out again after the holidays. Have a well-deserved break everybody and we will see you back in school on Monday 13th June.


Miss Green and Miss Ryde

Week beginning 16th May 2022

What a lovely week it has been in 1G, we hope you are all enjoying the sunshinesmiley


This week in English, we have been reading a new class book all about an alien who crash lands on Earth named Beegu. We thought about how she might have felt at different parts of the story and had fun using the modelling clay to make our own Beegu models!

In science we have been learning all about materials and their properties. In Music we have been playing different musical instruments and using our scientific knowledge about materials to see how this changes the pitch of the sounds we can make. It was lots of fun!


In maths we have been learning about halves and quarters. We have learnt how to share objects to find half or quarter of a group and investigated how to fold shapes to find half or a quarter of a shape. Next we are going to be making half and quarter turns with objects.

Finally, we have been thinking about Space travel in the future, learning about space tourism and the Mars Curiosity Rover. Below is a link containing some of the images Curiosity has sent back from Mars that the children might find interesting.

Just in case you missed it, Mrs Walkden sent a letter about our exciting upcoming trip to Blackpool Zoo for next half term.

Next week

Don't forget to wear something red, white and blue on Tuesday (24th May) as part of our school celebrations for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee and don't forget to bring your best smile on Friday, as it is class photo day (27th May).

Week beginning 9th May 2022

It’s been another busy week in 1G!

Continuing on our space theme, we have learnt more about how astronauts live in space now aboard the International Space Station. If you want to find out some more about space, the link below has a useful website.

We have been learning about Islam in RE and the children have been interested to find out more about Mosques as places of worship. In English we have continued with our book Man on the Moon and thought about how Bob could persuade more tourists to come and visit the moon. The children made their own posters about it.

In PE, we have been enjoying our athletics sessions with Mr Shingler focusing on our javelin throwing skills.

Week beginning 2nd May 2022

We’ve had another great week of learning in 1G!

This week we have continued finding out about the First Lunar Landing and looked at how historians used evidence (newspapers, photographs, artefacts) to learn about events and people in the past.

In English we have continued our space theme and read a book called Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram. The children have enjoyed finding out about ‘Bob’ whose job is to keep the moon clean and tidy. They also found it particularly funny that Bob doesn’t realise there are aliens hiding there! The children have produced some super writing this week asking Bob questions and even drew their own aliens in Art.

In maths we have begun to learn about multiplication and division through doubling numbers, grouping and sharing objects as well as learning about arrays. The children have worked very hard and have really grasped this concept. In the maths section above you will find some games to support this work if you would like to practise at home.


As the weather is becoming warmer please can you check that your child's school jumper is clearly named to prevent any mix ups. Many thanks.


Have a lovely weekend everybody 😊

Week beginning 25th April 2022

Welcome back everybody, we hope you all had a good holiday.

This week we have begun our new topic 5,4,3,2,1… Blast off! And as you can probably tell from the title it is all about space. The children have been enthusiastically telling us everything they know about space and we think we might have some future astronauts in class! 😊


In History the children have been learning about the Space Race between Russia and The United States of America. We found out about why Laika the dog and Monkey’s Able and Baker are remembered. We also learnt about Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins Apollo 11 mission to the moon.

We used our non-fiction books to research and find out about The Solar System. The children worked in groups to make their own fact files. The children really enjoyed discussing, writing and assembling their facts to produce their group piece.

We also listened to Gustav Holst The Planets and learnt a song to help us remember the order of the planets.

The Planet Song

Learn the 8 planets of our Solar System

For all the children and families celebrating in the next few days, we wish you Eid Mubarak in advance.
