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Monday 11th January

Monday 11th January 2021

Good morning everyone, how are you getting on so far?

I want you to try your best to get the jobs that we post on here done everyday, however I know it's hard if your grown ups are busy and can't help you, or you can't watch the videos, we understand everyone's home is going to be different. Please do as much as you can and you can always catch up on a different day. Grown ups - please do email myself or Mrs Al-Noah if you need any help.

Here is some work to keep you busy today. Today I'd like you to email me ONE of your pieces of work - you choose which. smiley



The first job is to watch and join in with the phonics video below.

ew new and chew

I think you'll find this video helpful too - it is for phase 2 and phase 3 sounds.

Parent and carers guide to pronouncing phonemes

Next please watch and complete the BBC page about rhyming words below.  
Now watch this video...

Mrs O'Connell - Where Teachers Keep Their Pets

I would like you to read the poem again (with a grown up's help if needed) and now match the teacher to the animal. You can print out the sheets below or have a go at drawing the pictures and write the words next to them. 


First I'd like you to start off counting down from 20 - be careful of those teen numbers!


Next, for our maths work we are going to talk about POSITION. That means where something/someone is. Today, you are first going to need to know your left and right. Here is a poster to help you see the L that your LEFT hand makes and your right hand looks like a tick. ü

Have a look at the BBC video below, Hip Hop Granny will help you move left and right.


Now give the White Rose Maths worksheet a try! Again don't worry about printing it out, you can answer the questions together with a grown up or a brother or sister, as long as you learn and use the words 'left, right, forwards and backwards'. 


We are continuing to learn about the weather and seasons in our Science work. I have seen photographs of some of you and your weather charts/ rain gauges from last week (thank you parents!) 

This is a link to a website called The Oak National Academy which is a website the government have set up to help us during this time away from school. Have a look at lesson 2 - How does the weather change across the seasons? We had a go at drawing trees in the different seasons on Friday - this page will help you check your learning and help you out if you found any of it tricky. The other lessons on the page are also great to help us with our Year 1 Science so feel free to have a look if you'd like to. 

Physical Education

On a Monday we are usually dancing! Here is a video that Miss Murphy, our dance teacher has made. Have a go at following the moves, it is quite tricky so don't worry if you find it hard, as long as you have a go.. and if you can remember any of the dances you have learnt at school, show your family!laugh

Miss Murphy - Children's Dance Class "Solo"

I couldn't resist showing you this video too, it is a team of dancers demonstrating different types of popular dances over the last 70 years, it certainly got me moving and I hope it inspires you too and makes you feel happy! Let me know which one is your favourite! laughWhen I was in Infant School it was the 1990's and funnily enough they are the ones I like the best!

The Evolution of Dance - 1950 to 2019 - By Ricardo Walker's Crew

We also have new activities in the 'Homework' folder on Education City for this week, and CBBC are broadcasting lessons on their TV channel in case you need more to do while you are learning at home. 

See you tomorrow.

Love and virtual high fives,

Mrs O'Connell xx
